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Reverse of being a Snow Bird

So there are so called Snow Birds that escape cold winters of north and east for mild sunny south or western living.


Are there those of you who escape harsh summers of heat and high humidity for a few months living in cooler climates. Where is your cool summer escape?

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

No, I love winter!  I wish we would get more snow and really cold weather here.  We get hit every few years with a big snow storm  but not snow every year. 

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

Snowbirds have to have two homes.  Most of them live in Florida (which near inhumane in the summer) and Arizona (specifically Phoenix, which in a few years may not be habitual)  And most are retired. 

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

I'm with you, granddi,  Im so tired of hot, hot high humidity. and with the heat comes bugs.  can't bearly walk outside with out sweating and swating bugs.  biteing flys.  I'm thinkin Maine, vermont or up michigan.  

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

@LuvmyLab   Me too !   I could live in fall and winter year round here in PA.  I love the snow and the colder weather.  The heat gets to I count the days until summer is over.  
My daughter just got back from Disney in Florida.    She dragged 3 little kids around in the 95 degrees weather for a week.   🥵.  It was hard for the kids since they had to wear time at the park was limited.   Most days they spent at the hotel pool just to cool down.  
Glad to hear that someone else likes the cold weather.   

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

I love cold weather, too. That's one reason why I live in Colorado. When it gets too hot down here in the city, I can escape to the high mountains where, in some places, I can still find snow...LOL!

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

@aoldgirl wrote:

I'm with you, granddi,  Im so tired of hot, hot high humidity. and with the heat comes bugs.  can't bearly walk outside with out sweating and swating bugs.  biteing flys.  I'm thinkin Maine, vermont or up michigan.  

We moved to the DFW area and the heat and humidity of July and August have pushed us to look for a cooler get away. Ideally we would like a 3 month rental but purchase could be considered. We need more than a week get away. The heat, humidity and bugs make outdoor activities miserable.


I guess Colorado is the obvious choice. We loved our visits to Vermont. It may be resolved at least short term with a long term lease? Just wondered where any of you go to to escape the heat.


Yes, I do understand that Snow Birds have 2 homes. 

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

@LuvmyLab wrote:

No, I love winter!  I wish we would get more snow and really cold weather here.  We get hit every few years with a big snow storm  but not snow every year. 

I was not talking about getting away from snow but where do you go to eacape from HEAT.

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

I have stated many times I dislike hot and humid weather, it zaps me of strength and energy and is in my opinion unhealthy.  I would never be a snow bird and go south or west for any relief.


I am a New England lover and often vacationed at Maine, Mass,., Vermont and NH.  I love those areas and still do.  Growing up I spent my summers at our family home in the mountains and no matter how warm the days, at night it was always cool and comfortable.


This is me and my opinion , whatever makes one happy and feeling good is their choice.

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Re: Reverse of being a Snow Bird

We travel in an RV and have met many people.  While In Maine in the fall season, there were many people who were packing up to trek back to Florida.


Their home is in Florida, but they summer in an RV in Maine where it is cooler.


I wouldn't want to escape the summer weather.  I love it hot...and humid.  We often spend the month of February in Florida.