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Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

There is a man who writes an article for my Sunday paper, mostly based on the change of seasons and outdoors.  He always writes about walks he takes with his dog throughout the year and his finds in the woods or elsewhere.  So this morning I bundled me and Story (my greyhound) up and we took a long walk down in the woods.  It's 32 degrees out but no wind and only a couple flakes of snow falling.  Listened to the woodpeckers and watched the squirrels scurring around.  Story had her nose to the ground the entire way.  It was awesome.  I usually take her for a walk, but shorter walks when it is this cold.  I think Story really enjoyed herself too. (Oh, by the way, I also found a nice wooden handle mallet that was stuck in the bushes along the road, probably falling off of a worker's truck.)   Get out and enjoy - don't stay kooped up in your home for months! 

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Beautiful thread and so true. There are times I really want to stay home and relax but I always feel so invigorated after taking my pooch Trinity out for a walk. Heart

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Even on days when the temperature dips into the single digits, I step out on the deck to take a breath of cold, fresh air.  It's good for my lungs and spirit.  I don't have a dog to take for a walk, but husband and I have been known to share the 'winter experience' while shoveling snow from our too-long driveway.

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Enjoy the winter season,

Image result for enjoy the winter word images

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

An accident has caused mobility issues for me the past several years.  I camped, hiked, rode motorcycles, etc for years.  I miss those days of freedom outdoors.  I can't believe we used to ride snowmobiles all night in zero weather.   There is nothing more beautiful than quietly sitting on top of a hill and looking at the world in the moonlight on a midnight winter ride after a heavy snow.  Today as soon as the storm is gone and the roads are plowed I take my camera and binoculars to a hilltop and sit in the warm sun.  I never know what I will see.  Mother nature is a beautiful artist.  She is full of surprises.  Enjoy you days.  As they say one day at a time for a long time.

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Arthritis in my spine has made enjoying the cold , damp days up north impossible and that is why we have moved to Florida.The ability to be outside and active as much as possible all year round. When I was young I loved to taboggan and ski in the winter.

The day my DH proposed to me was a cold winter day after a big snow. We went out into the woods to a place that was kinda an overlook over the kinzu dam and Allegheny National forest.A beautiful setting in the snow. On the way back down the mountain we got my little Honda stuck in the snow and didn't know what we were going to do. We were looking at having to hike for miles in the cold & snow and we were not really dressed for it & it was getting dark. - however - along came a bunch of folks on snowmobiles and they hooked up to the car and pulled us down the mountain to a safe road. Bless them.

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Thanks for your post. I was just complaining (to myself) how i hate going on my morning run in the winter. After reading this, I am going with a smite on my face and will take it all in Smiley Happy


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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

I'll get to enjoy it when I snow blow the driveway later today.

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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!

Just returned from a nice 1/2 hour walk.  As I approached the house the sun broke through the clouds (it's been a fairly dreary day, around 30 degrees).  I feel much better!

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Reminder - get out and enjoy winter!



What a beautiful post.  Your walk sounded like a it came from a wonderful Christmas story.  I took a short walk this morning and it was beautiful and quiet.  It was nice to be out after 10 days with a lingering virus/cold.