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Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

Just a reminder to be aware of your surroundings!! I'm stunned how this woman allowed this to happen..didn't she 'feel' someone behind her? Can't feel sorry...

Suspect creeps up on women & steals purse contents

SNELLVILLE, Ga. -- Police are warning shoppers to be aware of a man who is creeping up on women and stealing their valuables right out of their purses -- and he's being very bold about it.

Snellville Police released surveillance video of the suspect who stole a woman's wallet from her purse while she was shopping at the Kroger on Highway 124. They're convinced he's done it before.

The video shows a woman shopping; while she's looking for a product in one of the aisles, the man creeps up behind her, reaches into her purse and steals her wallet.

"Her purse is laying in the top basket of the shopping cart and its wide open," said Snellville Police Capt. Carey Roberts.

The woman didn't know her wallet was missing until she went up to the counter to pay for her groceries. She didn't know it was stolen until her credit card company told her someone used her cards at several restaurants and stores at the Shoppes at Webb Gin within a half hour of the robbery.

Police are hoping someone will recognize the suspect in the video, but they also want to alert shoppers to protect their valuables. Capt. Roberts said this crime could have been prevented.

"Either wear it (purse) on your arm, or close it up, or even if you're going to put it in the top part of the shopping cart, close it up and put your hand through one of the straps," he said.

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

I had my 4 year old sitting in the cart with my purse in her lap. She was leaning on it...I reached for something and went to put it in the cart and bam...someone stole it right out of her lap. They are bold.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

I never put my purse in the cart. I wear a cross body or it's on my shoulder.

A friend of mine just got her purse stolen at Target. She was waiting for a coffee from Starbucks, had her purse in the cart, and someone ran off with the whole purse. She had about $700 of gift cards in her wallet, ID's, credit cards, checkbooks - everything. Funny thing is she never carries a purse, only a wristlet. She was sick about it for days.

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

On 8/19/2014 croemer said:

I had my 4 year old sitting in the cart with my purse in her lap. She was leaning on it...I reached for something and went to put it in the cart and bam...someone stole it right out of her lap. They are bold.

Wow - that is bold.

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

Not surprised by this at all... Glad he was on tape... hope they arrest him soon. This is how he makes his living- by robbery.

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

I wear a crossbody at the grocery store as well, its safer. Hopefully no one knocks me down for it! Wink

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

Wow. I've been trying to be much more careful after a kind older gentlemen in Costco tapped me on the shoulder after I had stepped several feet from my cart with my purse still in it . . . and reminded me to keep closer tabs on my purse . . . this was about two years ago.

Since then, I've had at LEAST half a dozen dreams about someone taking my wallet. I almost wake up in a cold-sweat panic after one of those dreams . . . must be subconscious reinforcement to watch my purse & wallet!!!!

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

I never walk around with my purse unzipped, and I do not own purses without zippers that fully secure the contents when closed. I prefer to go to the grocery store with my debit card, drivers license and cell phone inside a wristlet. Just not so keen on carrying a purse at all anymore.

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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

A few months ago an older woman at my grocery store which as a pharmacy had the stapled bag snatched from her cart next to her purse. Did not take the purse just the prescription. She did not see anyone or anyone watching her when she was getting her meds. She asked all of us if we had seen anything but I did not notice her prior to her stopping me.

I guess they just wanted drugs and were willing to take a chance on what kind of drug is in the bag. I had never even considered my prescriptions stolen right out of my buggy.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Reminder: Grocery store thief & women's open purses

When I go pass a grocery cart with a handbag fully open still sitting on the child seat I think, "how foolish". and I bet she would be indignant that others do not live in her perfect world.