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RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

[ Edited ]

Okay we had the ranking of States by US News & World Report....  Here's the States ranked by HAPPIEST PLACE TO LIVE..... And it's a different State that's #1....

According to a new study by WalletHub researchers hoped to prove that moving to a certain city would help someone become more content in their own lives. The survey utilized “various findings of positive-psychology research in order to determine which among more than 180 of the largest U.S. cities is home to the happiest people in America.” Each city represented in the study was examined based on 31 key indicators of happiness, ranging from the depression rate, income-growth rate to average leisure time spent per day.


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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

[ Edited ]

What's up with so many southern states at the lower end of the rankings?  Many of the posters here who live in these states sound to be happy with where they live.


My state, Wisconsin, is about in the middle at number 18.  That seems about right, but the weather can be unpredictable a lot of the time.  Maybe the cheese and beer keeps us happy?

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

Well duh!  Rocket scientists must have figured out this system.  People are probably happier where they are wealthier.  You think?


Volunteers?  In Oklahoma if you get hit by the tornado, people, lots of average people are following behind the storm with shovels, heavy equipment, pickups and a lot of free labor to help you out.  Or dig you out if need be? How's that?  And we'll fix you up with clothes or whatever you need.


I don't even know how you measure happiness.  And any way, where else in the USA would Blake Shelton come along in his pickup and drag you out of the bar ditch?  Woman Very Happy

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@Spurt -

Really interesting!

I once lived in one of the supposed most happy cities in the us and I thought it was too regardless of money. But the second city, it depended on money.

I know that is vague and random.

And #50-WVA-I've always thought it has some of the most beautiful land in all of the US. Sad to see so many are unhappy there, probably very poor.

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I'm only guessing that one has to have a bit of money to live well in Hawaii.


Thinking of where to work, and price of housing. 

Probably much better in Honolulu, work-wise.  


Otherwise, I think that I'd be happy there.   





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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

All I can say is, I've lived in a lot of states and the one I'm in now is the only one where I've been truly satisfied.  It has everything I want or need. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I hate to write this, because I wish that what you posted were true, but I think that the ranking you posted is complete baloney.  No one in NJ is happy right now.  Ditto NY and California.  So very many people are currently and urgently moving out of those states, which is not an indication of happiness, but of the opposite-- despair. 

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@Jersey Born wrote:

I hate to write this, because I wish that what you posted were true, but I think that the ranking you posted is complete baloney.  No one in NJ is happy right now.  Ditto NY and California.  So very many people are currently and urgently moving out of those states, which is not an indication of happiness, but of the opposite-- despair. 

@Jersey Born  Everyone near where I live in NY is happy. I don't know anyone in my town who feels despair. Everything is open and has been for a long time. Bars and private clubs have gatherings every day. Only thing left to open are schools full time which is happening soon. If I ever went around asking people here if they feel despair, they would laugh and I live in an ALL red town.

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@Jersey Born wrote:

I hate to write this, because I wish that what you posted were true, but I think that the ranking you posted is complete baloney.  No one in NJ is happy right now.  Ditto NY and California.  So very many people are currently and urgently moving out of those states, which is not an indication of happiness, but of the opposite-- despair. 

I'm sorry, @Jersey Born, but though I don't take much stock in this kind of study, I don't think that you can generalize about any one state.

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I'm in New York.  I'm pretty content.  Difficult to generalize about a state with nearly 20 million people.