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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@on the bay,

As a WV native, I totally agree with the beauty of this state.   I've never traveled into of our 55 counties that I didn't like, or feel at home.  

As for people here feeling "poor"?  Oh, I am sure you could collect many answers about that, but also know I could take you to a very rural home that would make you cringe to think someone actually lives there, and introduce you to one of the happiest couples I have ever known.   He would probably be on the porch playing his banjo, and she would be in the kitchen singing.   They love the simple life and give the appearance they don't have 2 nickels to rub together.  

I found out in 9th grade Civics glass that my entire family was considered poor!   What?  I have never in my life felt poor, or thought anyone in my family was poor.  I feel blessed by my childhood memories, and like many WV residents, $$ might not be in our bank accounts, but we know the value of our farmland.   15 years ago my grandparents farm was appraised for $1MM.   

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Posts: 16,542
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

[ Edited ]

@RedTop -

I feel the same about WV feeling like home. Though I've never lived there the first and many times later I visited, I was in love. There also are no more beautiful mountains than the Blue Ridge.

As for poor, I know what you mean. 

My mother told us when I was first married and then with 3 little ones-"Did you know you are below the poverty level?"

No, we didn't know. It was a wonderful time,and I treasure all those times and my childhood too.

I think it is much easier to live if you are once poor than not, then to have wealth and then be poor. Then if you are ever poor again , you know how to live.

I feel fortunate tooSmiley Happy

And that is pretty amazing isn't it about the value of the land?!

I loved reading your postSmiley Happy

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"