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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@FatCatinCT wrote:

CT is #10.  They must have surveyed people that did not own anything and didn't have to pay the high taxes lol

Not necessarily, @FatCatinCT. We own, we pay high taxes, and we love living in California.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I am happy to see NJ up there in the top numbers!!  I have family and friends who live here and are perfectly content , they work and some are retired.  I lived in a city and now the suburbs , the city lives within me.  Yes, taxes are high but for those of us who can afford to live here, we are content.  I am not wealthy either believe me.


My sister and her daughter live in another state and aren't happy, I won't name the state but they are fish out of water and cannot relate and I'll leave it at that.  


I always say there are those who are happy and those who aren't no matter which state you live at.  There are perks and downsides to every state.  But I know for me there are certain states I wouldn't live at and I won't say why but my reasons valid.

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

maryland at #5? i will take that even better ranking than the other list and i thought that that one was pretty darn good. lol i am happy. Smiley Happy

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@FatCatinCT wrote:

CT is #10.  They must have surveyed people that did not own anything and didn't have to pay the high taxes lol

Not necessarily, @FatCatinCT. We own, we pay high taxes, and we love living in California.

Talking about Connecticut, not California 

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@FatCatinCT wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@FatCatinCT wrote:

CT is #10.  They must have surveyed people that did not own anything and didn't have to pay the high taxes lol

Not necessarily, @FatCatinCT. We own, we pay high taxes, and we love living in California.

Talking about Connecticut, not California 

Yes, I know that, @FatCatinCT

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I live in MD...we like it because we are near the beach. After my brother-in-law and his wife were discharged from the Navy, they stayed in the number one state, Hawaii, for years. First on the big island then Maui. They said yes, you got to have major cash flow to live there comfortably. It's very very expensive. More specifically anywhere near the beach. Not for "regular folk" only the top earners or rich retirees. While it was beautiful and the weather perfect, they eventually  left because it just got cost prohibitive. I would love it simply because of the weather...that would make me happy, but broke. I would be living in a hut!

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I have only lived in two states - California and Washington.  I like them both for different reasons but I am glad I am in Washington with the pandemic!

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

I live in Florida and see why it is low on the list.  The heat, humidity and mosquitos for most of the year makes it miserable to be outside and if you don't like the beach there is really nothing to do but hide inside in the air conditioning.  Mostly chain restaurants and chain stores.  If you live in a senior community there are mostly people from up north and they seem to stick together as they have more in common with each other.  It used to be a fairly cheap state to live in but that is not the case anymore.  Throw in the hurricane scares and high car and homeowners insurance.  I wish I could find something good to say...The two months of cool weather in the winter is nice....

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

From what I hear on the news and a friend who lived in New York, that state should be at the bottom.  For those here who live there,  I would be interested in your opinion

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Re: RANKINGS Happiest State To Live In!!!

@Calcgirl wrote:

From what I hear on the news and a friend who lived in New York, that state should be at the bottom.  For those here who live there,  I would be interested in your opinion

@Calcgirl  I posted on the other state thread. I've lived in southern NY in the Hudson River Valley in the same town for forty years. We are very happy here. NY is a fairly large state so it may be different where your friend lives.