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I went onto new board it was great now when I return it says wrong password and nothing works so it's here for me


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Maybe @Carmie can help??


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Did you go directly to the mellyg site?  If you go to the Pro Boards main page, you have to search for "q forum friends". 

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That happened to me too, last night.


i just clicked on reset my password and followed the instructions.  After that it has been okay. I did use a new password when I reset it.

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@Carmie   I am technology challenged to put it mildly and would like to know if you would please  tell me how I would post a comment on the Melly ProBoard?  Do I use the "quick reply box"?  

I got myself signed in, but then it was ..uh-oh, what now.  Thank you for any help!  

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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@3cupcakes wrote:

@Carmie   I am technology challenged to put it mildly and would like to know if you would please  tell me how I would post a comment on the Melly ProBoard?  Do I use the "quick reply box"?  

I got myself signed in, but then it was ..uh-oh, what now.  Thank you for any help!  

@3cupcakes  There is a reply button on the top right of the page or on the bottom right.You can also hit the quick reply button. The other two will give you options to adjust font, color etc.

  Any more questions please ask.

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Posts: 662
Registered: ‎04-20-2012

@NicksmomESQ   Thanks so much!  My darn iPad keeps freezing up so I'll start to post there tomorrow because the freezing up thing makes typing just miserable.  I appreciate your help very, very much!

Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours brighter.
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@Elom @3cupcakes @NicksmomESQ @geezerette 


Ladies, google Pro Boards Q Forum Friends.


It's almost a dup of this one!!!Smiley Happy


There is one or 2 other Pro Board companies.  If you nread down the google page, one says has a number of forums.

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@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@3cupcakes wrote:

@Carmie   I am technology challenged to put it mildly and would like to know if you would please  tell me how I would post a comment on the Melly ProBoard?  Do I use the "quick reply box"?  

I got myself signed in, but then it was ..uh-oh, what now.  Thank you for any help!  

@3cupcakes  There is a reply button on the top right of the page or on the bottom right.You can also hit the quick reply button. The other two will give you options to adjust font, color etc.

  Any more questions please ask.

@NicksmomESQ  I have a question. Is anyone else able to see private messages other than the sender and receiver of them (e.g. moderators)?  Very nice job on the new board, esp accomplished in such a hurry. 🙂

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Registered: ‎08-19-2014

@Pearlee  Private messages are just that private between the sender & receiver.