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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

It really does seem that you have already done all you can to cultivate her business unless they have changed their requirement for you to reduce your prices to get the job.  Good luck with this.   

libby's folly
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

@Mom2Dogs  This thread sounds very familiar; have you posted it Previously?  Maybe somebody else had the same problem.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

I confess I don't understand your problem.  Is it somehow mandated that if you are asked to bid, you must bid?  Otherwise, what is the problem?  Just don't bid.  

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

Dear Former Customer: Thank you for your interest, however we will not be submitting a bid on this project. Best regards,
Do the math.
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

My opinion is she is using you.  Taking your bid and going elsewhere with it, telling them they will get the job if they can beat your price.


I would, in some way make it clear that you are no longer interested in future bidding and to please take your name off their bidding list.



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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

@persiflage wrote:

You could say for them to give you a call when they get their best quote and you will see if you can beat it.  You can decide spontaneously when you find out the price they are going for if you want to see if you can work it out or if it just doesn't work for you.

Depending on the industry, this can get you a bad reputation and cause problems in the long run. 

Don't Change Your Authenticity for Approval
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

@Mom2Dogs, I understand completely.  When DH was young, he started an office furniture business.  He would be called to offices to measure the space for furniture the person was going to order.  He'd take the specs, ask what furniture and why, make recommendations.  Then he'd spend hours and hours, planning the best use of space depending on the furniture the customer wanted and the measurements of furniture and space.  Then he'd spend more time on the phone to several distributors trying to get the cheapest price for each item, (desk, credenza, files, etc.) After that, he'd take his truck and travel hours to pick-up items and he'd deliver and install everything. 


He sold to our local college, the hospitals, lawyers offices, etc.  Business was great for many years as his prices were competitive and he serviced what he sold.


Once the internet came, the game changed.  Folks wanted measurements and advice, but then started taking all DH's specs and hard work and using that to order cheaper stuff online.  He started charging for spec work and measurements.  After a few years he felt it wasn't worth the work anymore and closed that business.


Not sure if you could somehow charge for any estimates or info you submit.  Your best choice may be to decline to submit a bid.