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Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

I feel like we are between a rock and a hard spot with one of our former customers....


for many years we were a vauled supplier, we jumped thru hoops for this customer....rushing orders, going above and beyond...which we really did not mind, they were a great customer, and honestly we do that for ALL our cusomers if we can.    Out of the blue (2 years ago) they requested we drop our pricing 15-20% per job, we were already giving them a discount of 2% for paying their bill in 30 days.  We could not afford to drop our pricing 15-20%, we were already giving them great pricing, we lost their work


We think someone is doing their work from out of town, how they can afford it and drive in for delivery, we don't know but they keep asking us to quote on jobs for them, but we never get the work.   I get the feeling they are using us as a 2nd quote only.


I am at a loss of words as to what to say to the buyer....we really are not intrested in bidding, we know we won't get the work and the latest quotes she wants is in multiple will take at least an hour to bid the job.


I would apprecate any feed back, maybe something someone says will strike a chord and I can feel differently about this customer, thank you.

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

Can you just say your are all tied up at present, and perhaps at some future time you can do it?

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

Why do you have to say anything to them?  Just stop bidding on their jobs.  That's pretty much a no brainer.  

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

[ Edited ]

As a small business owner myself, I would not waste my time bidding again for them.  It's always the bottom line in business and this is playing out with you.  Some companies have to have multiple bids for any contract work.  Maybe they know how nice you are and are willing to keep on doing their bidding even though you know you won't get the bid.  In the back of your mind are you thinking that they are going to give the business back to you?   Relieve the stress for yourself and say no thank you.  It is obvious they are worried about their own pricing and you should do the same.  Your time is money.  Use it wisely.  Let them go.

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

Do you give a lot of bids where the people don't buy the service?  You could add a charge for the bid and if the service is purchased, that amount is deducted.  I business did that to me once, I think it was a flooring company.  Or tell them straight out that writing bids and they don't buy, is costing the business and you can no longer do it.  

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

[ Edited ]

Just tell them the truth, it's not worth your time to quote them when the pricing they want is unreasonable and you never get the job. My husband deals with this in his job all the time. In some cases customers shop his prices to try and get their regular source to lower their price. He's told customers he refuses to bid for them anymore on occasion. He has plenty of work so he doesn't need to waste his time bidding something he'll never get.  


I'd just toss their quote requests and if they eventually ask you why you are no longer turning in quotes to them, then tell them why. 



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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

Why not respond, much, as you might, if you received an unwanted social invitation. 


You dont owe them them an explanation, your only obligation, is to respond to their query, promptly and politely. 


Something like, "Thank you for the opportunity, but, at this time, we are not available to bid on your project."  If you want to add a little more, "Thank you, but, we are not currently bidding on new projects, or, "Thank You, but, due to prior prior commitments, and anticipated work loads, it's not feasible to offer a bid for your project".


No need to go into anymore detail. 

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

@chrystaltree wrote:

Why do you have to say anything to them?  Just stop bidding on their jobs.  That's pretty much a no brainer.  

If it was a no brainer I would not have posted the question...I at least have to acknowledge receipt of the request. 

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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

You could say for them to give you a call when they get their best quote and you will see if you can beat it.  You can decide spontaneously when you find out the price they are going for if you want to see if you can work it out or if it just doesn't work for you.

libby's folly
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Re: Question regarding quoting jobs for a customer....

@persiflage wrote:

You could say for them to give you a call when they get their best quote and you will see if you can beat it.  You can decide spontaneously when you find out the price they are going for if you want to see if you can work it out or if it just doesn't work for you.

My dh told the buyer that several years ago when they wanted us to come down on job work (a year before we lost their account) she said she could not do that.  In the beginning of our working relationship she would ask if we could come down a  little on a job here and there...she said I like working with you and I'ld like to see you have the job. Sometimes we could sometimes not....but the last few years I think she is playing games and we have decided to quit playing.


I emailed her back and told her we were not interested in bidding.  I won't be surprised if she calls me on Monday, at that time we will have a conversation about bidding....if she inquires as to why we refused.