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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/14/2014 stilltamn8r said:
On 8/14/2014 BaileyandBella said:
On 8/14/2014 stilltamn8r said:

I can write with my left and right hand- I am right handed, I can only write BACKWARDS with my left hand, is that so weird?!

And way better with cursive with my left than printing....

Me too! But I can only do it at the same time as I am writing my name with my right hand.

EXACTLY!!! Are you a Gemini? They say we are ambidextrous!

No, but my ambidextrous hubby is.

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

The best part is you can do so much more. If one hand gets tired then you can switch to the other one! I am both but mainly left handed but when I was a hairdresser I could only cut hair with my right hand. The worst part is trying to learn how to knit or do something a right handed person is teaching you.

My dad had red hair and no freckles. I don't think Prince Harry has freckles.

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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/13/2014 stilltamn8r said:
On 8/13/2014 lulu2 said:
On 8/13/2014 dmod nj said:
On 8/13/2014 lulu2 said:

Non-red hair is dominant over red hair.

Curly is dominant over straight but a curly haired parent and a straight hair parent can have a child with wavy hair.

With genetics, what you see is not always what you get. If both parents carry the same recessive trait, you can end up with a trait that is not visible in either parent.

So true lulu. My son's hair color and eye color are both from recessive genes hubby and I carry.

Hi dmod, hope you are well. Our oldest Grands are twins, one of each variety. He has poker straight red hair and green eyes. She has blond curls and blue eyes. Their siblings are both blue-eyed brunettes, one with waves, one straight. You just never know.

Let's not forget menopause can make curly hair straight and vice versa.

Really? Is this menopause thing true???!!!!Did anyone here hair change because of this?
Absolutely!! I always had straight fine hair, a few years ago in my late 40's, my hair starting getting quite wavy even curly in spots!!
Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/14/2014 raven-blackbird said:
On 8/14/2014 ivanatrump said:
On 8/14/2014 BaileyandBella said:

Can someone have freckles and not be a redhead?<br /> <br /> Do all redheads have freckles?

As a child, I had freckles and was not a red head.

you don't have to be a red head to have freckles.................................raven

I have a gorgeous red head daughter with no freckling at all...I was a red head with a lot of freckling as a kid...I have many young relatives who are not red heads who have a lot of freckles!!
Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

Congrats!! Hard to say...I am a redhead and have a red headed daughter and dark haired parents both have very dark hair almost black...but I had aunts and a grandfather who were redheads, so it was in the family..but don't be surprised if she has no hair at all for dd had no hair until she was a year old...then she sprouted this gorgeous copper penny colored curly was incredible, she still gets stopped by people all the time regarding her hair!!
Take time every day to enjoy where you are without a need to fix it
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Re: Question about genetics, and hair color/type

On 8/14/2014 BaileyandBella said:
On 8/14/2014 stilltamn8r said:
On 8/14/2014 BaileyandBella said:
On 8/14/2014 stilltamn8r said:

I can write with my left and right hand- I am right handed, I can only write BACKWARDS with my left hand, is that so weird?!

And way better with cursive with my left than printing....

Me too! But I can only do it at the same time as I am writing my name with my right hand.

EXACTLY!!! Are you a Gemini? They say we are ambidextrous!

No, but my ambidextrous hubby is.

Well THAT's certainly a plus. Smiley Wink