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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 There's a big difference between delegating duties and stepping down.


@Love my grandkids 


Of course there is, but she can still attend an occasional event, and hand off all the rest of them, while still appearing to be doing the job.  I'm not a fan of the royals, either, for many reasons. 

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At the time of his birth Philip was indeed down the line of succession,  having nothing to do with his sisters.


His father, Andrew, was the fourth son of King George I.


The eldest, Constantine, had three sons, although one predeceased Philip.


The second son, George, had one son, Peter.


Prince Nicholas was the third son.



King George I:


  • Constantine:  George, Alexander, Paul
  • George: Peter
  • Nicholas
  • Andrew: Philip

(female offspring have been omitted)

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@Love my grandkids wrote:

@CelticCrafter Um, no. Charles is 73 and no way will she outlive him.  Of course I'm no fan of either the queen or Charles or Camilla.

Um, his age versus her age has nothing to do with her possibly outliving him.

I'm the oldest of three, both my siblings have wasn't supposed to happen that way but it did.

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This is what was promised all those years ago and I think she meant it.

"I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong".

Her Majesty The Queen


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@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Lucky Charm wrote:

I hope she rules for at least another 10 years! 


That would be great!



@Lucky Charm 


I don't understand your comment.  What would be so "great" about that?  She'd be 106 years old and probably bedridden. 


Granted, the royals seem to live a long time, but as for "ruling", she doesn't run the country.  Parliament does that.  All the royals are simply decorative, and people are finally realizing that.



I personally think it would be great if she remained as the reigning monarch/ruler.  She's still doing it at 96.  I hope she has at least another decade.  


So Charles can be a decorative *object* later on in his life.  And maybe by then, they will be done away with.  That wouldn't bother me.

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@Johnnyeager I've watched a few documentaries about Philip and really enjoyed your posts. Everything was spot on, thank you for clarifying this for many here.

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Re: Queen and Parliment

[ Edited ]

@Love my grandkids wrote:

@stevieb I personally don't see how Harry and Meghan affect the queen's public appearances or lack thereof but I know those here who dislike them will see that it does.


I personally am not one of the many fans of the queen.

@Love my grandkids  Oh, I'm sure they don't. If that was the interpretation then I guess I was unclear. I do think the potential for them to attend the Jubilee possibly impacted the choice of who joins the queen on the balcony and who doesn't. By several accounts, a significant segment of the citizenry doesn't support them and several other members of the working royal family purportedly weren't supportive of the notion of them being there. Then there's Andy and it seems perhaps a viable solution so that nobody felt singled out was to limit balcony spots to working royals.

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@Goldengate8361 wrote:

The heading of this thread immediately made me think it was about the two bands: Queen (Freddy Mercury, etc) and Parliament (George Clinton, etc). My heart and mind are focused on good music!

Shoekitty said.   Oh do I miss Queen and Freddie.  

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Re: Queen and Parliment

[ Edited ]

I admire the Queen very much.  But let's be realistic - she is 96 years old.  Her mother lived to over a hundred years old and she may very well do the same, but at that age it's unrealistic to expect her to carry out her normal duties.

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I'll add my 2cents. I hope the Queen will remain the Queen until her death. I want no one rushing her out. She deserves respect for her decades served. IMHO


My own mom passed at almost 100. She was brillient and sharp as a tack to the last hour and minute. She did have a walker for in home use but she really didn't need it. It was more safety if she wanted to use it. I feel that this is what the Queen is doing too. Relying on a walker for her own comfort. I would bet that she does walk around with just her walking stick.


IMO, the Queen is made of steel. She will know what to do and I don't think that it will be giving up her throne.


She has had a lot thrown at her in her golden years. It shouldn't have happened to her this way but it did. Philip's death was massive for her. Totally understandable. She didn't need a pandemic, not that any of us needed one either. Andrew, who is well known to be her favorite, had to break her heart with what went on. I think she is hurt about H & M also, if only for the fact that what Great Grandmother wouldn't want to see her great grandkids.


But it is a very different world now. I think that the Queen has rolled with the punches, so to  speak. She is, at her heart, a mom who loves her family. It was always her behind so many problems with her kids that she tried to smooth over and help.


So, in conclusion, I hope she stays on. God Save the Queen.