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Could it be that those that are no longer with QVC as of the latest cuts, knew they weren't on QVC's "A" list? I never, or seldom ever saw these hosts. I don't watch the other QVC channels, which perhaps were designated to the B,C group? They probably knew they weren't in the top of the host list.


Were Rick, Jane or David V. ever on the other QVC channels?

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Registered: ‎07-07-2010

I do not live that far from the Q studio, and they have had over 1,100 layoffs.  I would imagine that the hosts that have been there a long time have a very good agents and iron-clad contracts.  I do not know anything about the newer ones, but I read on here that at least one was on tv and she probably also has a good agent/contract.   Probably any of the hosts who have contracts coming due in the near future will see a significant change, either in the way of contracts or employment.



The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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A number of the QVC hosts are a bit annoying/irritating like Shawn, Alberti, Rachel, Jane, Kirsten.  The "oldies" still do a great job like:  David, Rick, Dan, MaryBeth, Sandra, Nancy, Leah, Carolyn, Jayne, etc.

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Posts: 22
Registered: ‎06-24-2013

Let me first say, "I'm not a moderator". But, I am a longtime QVC customer. As a business during this Pandemic time with businesses closing, downsizing, scaling back and trying to keep safe and healthy, I think QVC has done an excellent job keeping up. They have (IMO) done awesome. They have continued to keep going. That says a lot right there. In my town there are lots of businesses that closed and will never reopen again. For this I'm so sorry for the owner's and the worker's. My heartfelt sympathy to ALL who have lost jobs. I do hope you have a greater day coming and soon. Sometimes, when a door closes another one opens. Yet, with that said, sometimes we need to also not forget that it may not be a door that opens but a window instead. Don't forget to look at all opportunities that present themselves. The least likely may be the greatest for you. Just a thought. However, I have full confidence in knowing God will provide for you. It may not be exactly in the manner that you have figured in your mind, but He will do it. My sincerest sympathy to all the one's at QVC who helped make the Company (which is everyone that works or worked there) what it is. To those who have recently been laid off/fired/or let go... your presence whether in front of a camera or not, in customer service, filling orders, a door greeter or someone who cleans, your service was appreciated and you will be sorely missed. I'm sorry for your loss of your place, position, and financial means...just know that you were and are important. I am so very sorry for your current situation. This to will pass. Life will never be like it was, that's for sure. Yet, I will believe with you or if you don't have the strength for yourself "that a better day is coming for you" I will stand in that gap and beleive for you! Thank you to all, (including those who don't work at QVC now) for your services... no matter what you did, I'll believe a better day for you... its coming!

Let's lift each other up! We are better for it!!! I will miss all the host, past and recently released. You ALL were great! Keep your head up. A job well done! As some of the forum contributors may not like or agree with my post...This post is all my own opinions! Have a wonderful Day!!!

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Are these phone people or backstage workers? It seems since they are not a box store, but TV/online, they wouldn't be as affected, but maybe people, being out of work, are not buying as much? I see many products that are priced way out of my range, I also question my need for something vs wanting it, and the price.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Unfortunately it is happening all over, my company has laid off close to 300 employees so far...and asked management level one and two such as myself to take a 10% salary cut until December 2020.  After reviewing the budget they decided that level two will not have to take the salary reduction but level one will.  I wonder if management at QVC did this.  I don't shop as much as I use to even before the pandemic started but I never understood the purpose of adding the QVC 2 & QVC 3 which I don't think I watch or glanced at more than once; if I need to see a show from a designer I would just go online and look at the video.

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Re: QVC Layoffs

[ Edited ]


I never understood why they needed a QVC2 in the first place.  They didn't have enough vender variety on QVC!   Why would they even want another channel? 

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Usually,  if employees leave on their own there is a goodbye and good luck to you. When they are laid off it's that they just disappear unless they post it. I am assuming the ones leaving were all laid off. It just might be that QVC has seen thru this Virus they can make it with less employees in  hosting, in customer service, in shipping and the chat service and still charge high prices and make more profit. 

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎06-26-2011

I read a sad article on her about a year after she left. Apparently she was stalked by someone for years.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎06-26-2011

That is so sad. I wondered how they were keeping all their employees and the hosts. The hosts often look very tired. They are managing well with the spokesperson's only available by zoom or skype. What a mess.