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I'm not sure I understand the confusion about what the minimum due was at any given time (as, obviously, that will change when the balane is higher),   When you go onto your account online, it tells you for that month's statement how much the minimum due is.   


My biggest piece of advise (FWIW) is to never just make a minimum payment on credit cards.


I get that many people cannot pay their balances off each month, but try to pay more than the minimum, especially is one is carrying a multi-hundred or multi-thousand dollar balance.   


I used to carry balances on credit cards, so I know how it is and it's a drag to keep paying interest over and over, every month, on basically the same balance.   


Many years ago they just sent me  Q Card for which I never applied.  Ok, cool.  I used to buy a lot back then (20yrs ago) and I did carry a balance.  But store cards carry such high interest that as soon as I was able I moved to only spending what I could pay off each month and, trust me, you will be happy to find yourself there in the long run.  Smiley Happy

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@sweetkelly.   I refuse to do business with that Synchrony Bank.  I think most of the US retailers have credit cards handled by them.  Their policies border on the unethical.  They surely caught you in their trap



How do their policies border on unethical?

I have several accounts with them.

We pay our bills in full each month.

Never had any issues with them?

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@Nightowlz wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sweetkelly.   I refuse to do business with that Synchrony Bank.  I think most of the US retailers have credit cards handled by them.  Their policies border on the unethical.  They surely caught you in their trap



How do their policies border on unethical?

I have several accounts with them.

We pay our bills in full each month.

Never had any issues with them?


I've had the same same experience as Nightowlz.   I know I have at least 2 or 3 active accounts that have moved to Synchrony Bank.  



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Bingo!!! Your the Winner!!! I could not have said it any better.

I think most of us have been there when we were younger working paycheck to paycheck.

I tried to give you multiple hearts but it won't let me. LOL!!!

We learned the high interest game early on when we young & bought a sofa bed with ridiculous interest. Our credit union told us they would loan us the money & give us a check to pay off that loan shark deal on the sofa bed. LOL!!! We did not have any credit at the time.

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I have never had a problem with them either. I never pay just the minimum that racks up interest charges. You can always view your bill online and see what you owe and when it is due. Did you even read the terms & conditions of your card? It spells everything out & what it will cost if your payment is late. Late payment fees will affect your credit report.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@sweetkelly.   I refuse to do business with that Synchrony Bank.  I think most of the US retailers have credit cards handled by them.  Their policies border on the unethical.  They surely caught you in their trap


This has never been my experience with Synchrony. I have had probably a dozen accounts with them over the years. Every time we make a big home purchase at some place like Lowes or Home Depot, Lens Crafters or the carpet store here  that offers 12 months no interest, we take advantage of that with their card handled by Synchrony. I've never been mis billed, had an error, been charged a fee that wasn't due etc. I've never experienced a billing mistake, even when we have three accounts with different retailers through Synchrony all at the same time.


We choose to pay the balance off during the promotional period and have never paid one cent interest or any fees other than the amount billed from the company we contracted with. We do this even when we could pay cash for the item/service, as it lets us keep our money earning interest, and builds our credit score.


I have always been happy with the service from Synchrony. I've never seen a trap. I see people who can't read their bill or aren't disciplined enough to get payments made correctly and on time.

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Hint to the OP: Make it a habit to check your Spam folder so you don't miss things like financial statements. Just a thought.

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Posts: 10
Registered: ‎04-26-2013

why don't u sign up for auto pay and u won't have to worry about it

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SYNCHRONY BANK is the worst credit card co.  My story:  A couple years ago somone cleaned out my checking account Bank of America over $10,000.00.  My QCard bill was the only one to bounce.  I wrote another check under my US Bank checking account a few days after the due date in December to cover the full amount due $364.00.  I did not put my account number on the US Bank Check.  They cashed it and it took months to convince QVC and Synchrony Bank that Bank of America and US Bank were different bank accounts.  To this day i do not have any Synchrony Bank Credit Cards. I order very little from QVC still upset by the mix up.  December until February it took to clear this up.  It took 7 days to get the $10,000.00 back and I closed that account.  No longer bank with Bank of America.

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@sweetkelly, you said you paid your account automatically through your Bank.  Didnt you see the amount due  when you clicked on to the Synchrony  account that you set up to make the payments?