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Posts: 376
Registered: ‎02-18-2022

I've been on the board a lot today because I'm guilty of putting off transfering a 401K from an old employer. Again.


What are you putting off?

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Registered: ‎08-19-2010

dying hair LOL

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Registered: ‎10-05-2010

Washing a couple greasy pans ( and cleaning in general!).

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Posts: 376
Registered: ‎02-18-2022


That's why I went natural a few years back! Smiley LOL

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Registered: ‎01-25-2023

Making supper and dealing with my thoughts. A very dear friend of mine is moving into a memory care facility and my heart is breaking-even though I know it must be.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
Super Contributor
Posts: 376
Registered: ‎02-18-2022

I seem to get so much done when I'm putting off other things.  I put together seven bags of fall/winter clothes to donate today.

So I shouldn't feel guilty.  Right?

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Posts: 376
Registered: ‎02-18-2022

@We rescue cats 

Hugs to you.  My dad has dementia so I know how it is.

Have you seen the youtube channel called Dementia Careblazers?  She's terrific.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I'm putting off going through one of my bedroom dressers and getting rid of what I don't wear.   Woman Happy

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Posts: 37,073
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

@timeless wrote:


That's why I went natural a few years back! Smiley LOL

Not me LOL  I don't want to see how old I really am






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Posts: 4,771
Registered: ‎09-15-2016

Paying a big $ property tax bill due this month & then another is due in Dec....Ugh, I can't get myself in the car & go do it, maybe tomorrow.