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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today



I remember it vividly and the tragic news bulletin that interupted As The World Turns that day.  Walter Cronkite was choked up. I dont think the country ever got over JFK's death.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

I was 15, a sophomore in HS and in study hall when the PA system came on and told us the tragic news. School was dismissed early and it was just the most sad day. So many of us made our way home and turned on our B/W television sets and stayed glued to the TV for the next few days. Little did we know back then that this tragic event would be burned in our minds for decades. There is not a November 22 since then that I haven't remembered that day.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

I was 8 at the time, attending a Cathoic academy. . I remember the sisters crying and taking us outside where our parents were waiting to bring us home. I can recall the huge iron gate as we marched, trying to fathom something we were too young to understand. I remember my parents crying as the sadness acted as a chokehold on the country...


The Kennedys endured so much and Jack and Bobby (and Dr. King)  gave everyting to their fellow man, including their lives.


Camelot will be a legend for most but for those of us living then, it was and will always be in our minds and hearts.





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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

I was 11 years old and home from school with a very bad cold and fever. I lived in Dallas, so the local news was showing the whole thing live, from JFK’s arrival at Love Field to the downtown motorcade and the assassination....I remember how surreal the day seemed...and the strange sky at sunset. And then to see Ruby shoot Oswald on tv...just too incredible. I saw many movies at the Texas theater and our next door neighbor was a police dispatcher at the precinct where Tippett worked.
Yes, this date never goes by without many memories for me. Very sad ones for us all.
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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

WHAT?  How can it be 57 years?  Where did the time go?

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

I was not quite 2 years old and have no memories of the horrible day.  We were in California with our Texas plates on the car.  Mom and Daddy said they were noticed and at one diner someone wanted to know "who owned that car?"  Daddy said nothing then quietly we  left the Diner when everyone went back to watching the television.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

Reelz TV had Kennedy specials on all day yesterday and I found myself tearing up even after all these years have gone by.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

If you have never seen him in interviews or read about him, check out Clint Hill who was Jackie's Secret Service agent at the time of the assassination.


He offers insight into that fateful day and the regret that he carried in thinking he could have done more.


 He has written books and there are interviews on YouTube.  I have always found him incredibly interesting.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

I was 8 y/o and in the 3rd grade. I vividly remember the principal coming into the classroom and announcing that President Kennedy had been shot and had died (very small school w/only 6 classrooms and no PA system). I didn't really understand it all at the time, but I clearly remember seeing my teacher break down in tears as we left the classroom to go home.


12 years later (November 22, 1975) was my wedding day.

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Re: President Kennedy Assassinated 57 Yrs. Ago Today

@naturalfan wrote:

Reelz TV had Kennedy specials on all day yesterday and I found myself tearing up even after all these years have gone by.

I watched those too. Did you watch the JFK Smoking Gun one where they claim one of his Secret Service agents was responsible for the 3rd fatal shot to JFK?  A different theory from the many others out there.