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@cowboy sam 


a mishmash of red apples - granny smith - and pears


hope u get ur packages this weekend - it will be cray cray


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@Yahooey @cowboy sam @geezerette @PamfromCT . Everything was very hectic yesterday. Up early. Made two pumpkin pies and put them in the oven. Doorbell😯🙄. Widow friend decided to drop by for coffee. She has given everyone in her family a list of side dishes to bring for TG and she is cooking a small turkey. So she decided to visit. Nice thought but that really messed up my schedule. She helped me take the pies out of the oven and asked if frozen from store.🙄

Neice called and stated she had a stroke. Need to make major life style changes.


I made my cranberry salad yesterday. Being short didn't tighten enough the food grinder to my stand mixer. The grinder fell off and the counter, my face and chest decorated with cranberries and a mess to clean up.


The dressing needed more of something. I chopped onions and cooked in broth and mixed in the dressing.


Cooked the turkey and DH did the carving.


We decided to sleep late and eat around 2.

Enjoy your day.


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@Yahooey @cowboy sam @geezerette @geezerette : Having trouble trying to post photos. I used the frozen pie crust they were deep dish. I used the Libby's Pumpkin Pie filling and added extra can of the Libby's Pumpkin and dash of cinnamon to make sure that the pie crust would be filled.


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@Yahooey : The apples look delicious. I love apple pie with ice cream. DH does not like apple pie. So haven't enjoyed apple pie in years.

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@Yahooey : Relieved that your tart pan fit in the pie carrier. Enjoy. You will find several uses for the pie carrier. I put all my rolls, pastries in it to serve.

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@cowboy sam : Thanks. Totally agree and understand. 

We need to revisit our precious memories but our loved ones understand and want us to move forward and enjoy life for them. 

DH still sleeping. I am so hungry and ready to get up. I need 40 minutes to cook the dressing and sweet potato casserole.🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

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@geezerette : Thank you, so cute.

What are your plans for today? I hope you will treat yourself  to something special.

We had thunder storms during the night. Still cloudy with light rain.🦃🦃🦃🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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@cowboy sam : Your pinto beans sound delicious and I love them with corn bread. I prefer sweet potato pie. Enjoy your TG meal and your family TG in Saturday.🦃🦃🦃🤗🤗🤗❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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Registered: ‎03-16-2010



You sure had a busy day yesterday!  Hopefully you can relax a bit today.


Sorry to hear about your niece.  A nephew (my niece's husband) had a stroke a couple of years ago in his 50s.  Thankfully he recovered fully.  Coincidentally he happened to be in the hospital visiting a relative when it happened so he got immediate treatment.  And a friend's father-in-law just suffered a massive stroke (his second in recent years) and is now in a facility.  It sounds like he may not recover this time.


I'm having my own mini-Thanksgiving.  I had been saving some garden green beans my friend gave me since summer.  Cooked them up with bacon (of course!🥓), made some potatoes and splurged with real butter, and took some ground turkey out of the freezer.  It tasted delicious.  Now I'm stuffed like a 🦃 and ready for a nap!


Have a Happy Thanksgiving!❤️