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Oh my goodness, does that look delicious!  🤤


I'll bet it tasted even better! 😋

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@geezerette : Thank you. Dh will be upset if I purchase another microwave. We had the microwave that we used when house remodeling stored in the garage. But in January his sisters microwave broke and I gave it to her. I will see how much I can use my air fryer.

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Hi Y'all . I am totally worn out and frustrated. Yesterday morning we went to the durable medical store that DH uses. I was looking at the power  wheelchairs and the manager waited on me. Tried them out and liked one $2595 tax not included. Showed manager my insurance cards and stated insurance would not pay but not what I was told when I called. Not happy about the wasted trip. So found one more durable medical store that said they had the wheelchair and forms for doctor to complete to submit with insurance purchase.

I have spent most of the day watching YouTube videos on power wheel chairs . One on insurance forms for the doctor is 20 pages and what the doctor documents makes the difference. After insurance receives the forms takes 60 to 90 days.

So if I go to the second place and told that insurance doesn't pay: shame on them for telling me anything to get in the store. 

Ok. Rant over. I had planned on doing different things today.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏

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@SouthernBee @geezerette @Yahooey @PamfromCT 


Had a surprise late afternoon yesterday...oldest son,his wife and 4 dogs  arrived with camper behing his pick-up truck!


Told me he had to try a few times  with camper to back up into my old driveway by garage!

They also had a medal fencing pen for the dogs to be in.


He had enough long electrical cords to plug from outside of my outside plug to his camper   but when yard was being mowed roday  we had to unplug electrical cord  and he had to use his generator for fridge,etc inside camper.


We went to Dollar Gerneral  and i bought frozen breakfast meals,pot pies,etc plus snacks for them.I also bought myself 4 big bottles of coke.




We spent most of day outside sitting  and he met most all of my neighbors.

Was told they will be here until "September".Smiley Happy

Tomorrow we need to find him some long water hoses to connect to my outside faucet  and connect to his camper so he can have running water!


Fresh air  and being outside most all afternoon  even with nice breeze in the  70's temp has me tired  out.

They will be going to their daughters house tonight and have showers  or soaking in her fancy bathtub...then come back to sleep again in the camper.


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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@cowboy sam : So excited for you and the family.Enjoy the visit.🤗❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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@Yahooey  Oh, I was drooling all over my iPad looking at your yummy meal!  I bet you love cooking even more in your great new kitchen!  You are quite the cook!





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@cowboy sam 


What a wonderful surprise for you!


I'm sure you will enjoy your nice long visit with your son and wife...and the four dogs!☺️

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@cowboy sam  What a great surprise for you!  And how nice that everything is being taken care of for you and your son and family.  Bet those doggies will fall in love with you, too.

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is dat u @cowboy sam 




enjoy ur visit with fam - how wonderful 💜🧡💛💚🩵❤️

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yes - i'm loving it

since i have  an induction  range - a few of my farberware pots aren't compatible


i'm not 1 to have a lot of stuff - but i needed a pot

the free circulon that samsung gifted me - 2 fry pans - 1 7+qt stock pot and - 1 very large sautee pan


i cook a lot with my 2 staub cast iron - Sylvia (pumpkin) lives on the cooktop

no one puts Sylvia in a corner lol

all clad 3 qt was on sale - their 1 and 2 qts were normal pricing


it came in the other day - so have been using it quite a lot - will probably be my most reach for easy pot -  my blue staub is just under 4 qts - but the long handle  on all clad makes it easy to pour stuff out for small meals


will be using that to make jam - all the fruit have been in freezer just hanging out


i still cant find a few things - and some i just wont unpack yet

but the essentials are there and i will make do 

makes me so happy 


there are a few maters left for sandwiches - hoping the cooler weather will let the plants recover and bear more fruit



how is the fine Mr Winston - fluffy as ever ruling over his kingdom?

and ur two grands - bringing you joy as always ❤️