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@cowboy sam wrote:



but i tried calling  1-800-cat- nips  but no one answered da phone!Smiley SadZoe needs to wakey up when i call

Smiley Sad

how iz i supposed to make a appointment with you for consutation???Smiley LOL




oh...i will eat before i arrive..Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart




@cowboy sam ...1-800-cat-nips....Purrfect! 😂




~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Aha!  I think I now know why my phone bill has been so high lately!  My two little boys must be consulting with Zoe during her overnight hours.  I thought something must be up when they leave my bed and don't return for hours.


I think I'd better check my contact list to see if Zoe's number has been added without my knowledge...🤔





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@geezerette wrote:



Aha!  I think I now know why my phone bill has been so high lately!  My two little boys must be consulting with Zoe during her overnight hours.  I thought something must be up when they leave my bed and don't return for hours.


I think I'd better check my contact list to see if Zoe's number has been added without my knowledge...🤔






@geezerette may be on to something there...I am now suspecting my Hobo also...I  have a suspicion that Zoe has been running a "frat cat sorority" for quite a while now.  😂 



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

@MyShadowLove ..


my mind thought you said : that

zoe  had been running a "c

 a t    house"  without our @Yahooey  knowing  about it while she was sleeping,walking,etc...Smiley LOL


poor @Yahooey Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 12,874
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@cowboy sam wrote:

@MyShadowLove ..


my mind thought you said : that

zoe  had been running a "c a t    house"  without our @Yahooey  knowing  about it while she was sleeping,walking,etc...Smiley LOL


poor @Yahooey Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart


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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@MyShadowLove wrote:


@geezerette wrote:



Aha!  I think I now know why my phone bill has been so high lately!  My two little boys must be consulting with Zoe during her overnight hours.  I thought something must be up when they leave my bed and don't return for hours.


I think I'd better check my contact list to see if Zoe's number has been added without my knowledge...🤔






@geezerette may be on to something there...I am now suspecting my Hobo also...I  have a suspicion that Zoe has been running a "frat cat sorority" for quite a while now.  😂 





when zoe has time between taking all those phone calls and her numerous tasks

she runs a support group for all the kittehs dat has to deal wid hoomins


perhaps @geezerette 2 boys and mr hobo is in need of therapurr

wat did u 2 hoomins do?


@cowboy sam pls try 800 - cat - nips during our non peak hrs

your call is very important to us

thank you for your interest


@SouthernBee it seems like things are coming together - yay!



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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@loveschocolate wrote:

@Yahooey wrote:

hi ya @loveschocolate 


how have you been? i see u hearting


i bet the lake is absolutely stunning

nice and cool bc of the water?

or extra buggy bc of the water


are u growing or landscaping -? flowers?

nosy people wanna know


sending u lubs ♥️ 

@Yahooey , your kitchen is going to beautiful! The lake water temperature is comfortable this time of year. Even in the mountains we have had high temperatures, just like everyone else but not as brutal. We haven't had hardly any rain. It's ALWAYS buggy by the lake! 😆 I'm growing cherry tomatoes, and big boy tomatoes in pots on my back porch, as well as, green peppers. Right now I'm cat sitting "Beau" for my daughter for 3 weeks. She just completed her residency and is on a well deserved trip out west. Beau and my cat CeCe.....that's a work in progress. We shall see. No fur flying, no fighting....😝


Hissing, yes. 🙄



CONGRATS to your daughter - what is her field if you dont mind me asking

not nosy - just from one professional to another .... you must be so proud


i didn't have a residency - i'm a resident which is the same

kinda like coffee and cawfee


pls remind me - descriptions of CeCe and Beau pls

this is not for me

this is for Zoe - as they might want to join the kitteh support group

i'm sure Beau has lots to say about her hoomin's "trip"

and CeCe has much to say about uninvited guest

we know all about uninvited - wink wink - guests


great to see you here - we awl have mizzed u - lubs ❤️ 

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@Yahooey and all who will listen,


This "thing" with Zoe, well, it has made my life a living ell. Mr. Winston somehow heard all about this phone therapy thing, and his whiskers are out of joint.

Bad enough that Zoe has outdoor time.  Tried to explain to Winston that Zoe is a city cat, and you are a country cat.  Too dangerous for you to go outside.  Critters waiting to make you a furry snack.  Lots of windows here, just please stop,

You got it made here.  Remember the shelter?  Of course, you don't!  And I don't want a phone ringing at all hours, with desperado folks crying for you.  I am done.





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Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]

@PamfromCT wrote:

@Yahooey and all who will listen,


This "thing" with Zoe, well, it has made my life a living ell. Mr. Winston somehow heard all about this phone therapy thing, and his whiskers are out of joint.

Bad enough that Zoe has outdoor time.  Tried to explain to Winston that Zoe is a city cat, and you are a country cat.  Too dangerous for you to go outside.  Critters waiting to make you a furry snack.  Lots of windows here, just please stop,

You got it made here.  Remember the shelter?  Of course, you don't!  And I don't want a phone ringing at all hours, with desperado folks crying for you.  I am done.




@PamfromCT ...LOL...I am listening and understand...It sounds like we may have created quite a situation here...Zoe is beginning to reach much popularity with all the 'Meows" who are in need of  intervention regarding their "Blabbering Hoomins" and since Zoe is, apparently,  the Pioneer in this field, it is obvious that she will need to start considering adding some assistants...Also, you brought up a very important fact that we need to rein Zoe in a little and inform her not to encourage indoor kitties to go outdoors for additional therapy as, for those who live in the Country, may not make it back to the comforts of their homes and "Blabbering Hoomins"...LOL


You are such a sweetheart for joining in on our "hoomin silliness" as this is very much required therapy for us from time to time to just let go and have some fun from all that is going on in our "hoomin world" which our "Meows" are totally unaware of!


Mr. Winston...Get ahold of yourself...calm down...and listen to your "Meowmy"!   😂





~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Posts: 23,148
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@PamfromCT wrote:

@Yahooey and all who will listen,


This "thing" with Zoe, well, it has made my life a living ell. Mr. Winston somehow heard all about this phone therapy thing, and his whiskers are out of joint.

Bad enough that Zoe has outdoor time.  Tried to explain to Winston that Zoe is a city cat, and you are a country cat.  Too dangerous for you to go outside.  Critters waiting to make you a furry snack.  Lots of windows here, just please stop,

You got it made here.  Remember the shelter?  Of course, you don't!  And I don't want a phone ringing at all hours, with desperado folks crying for you.  I am done.







Exactly what I'm going through!


I keep reminding Senior that he couldn't wait to get inside for steady meals and a soft bed.  How he meowed under my window all night to make me take him in.  Now all he wants is to go out and play with the coyotes and the stray tomcats.🙀


And he's convinced Junior, who hasn't been outside since he was four weeks old, that it's Disneyland out there. They're both driving me crazy with their, "But Zoe goes in the garden outside!  She says it's fun and healthy to get out in the fresh air!  We're being deprived and abused.  Zoe says we should call Hooman Control!"


I may have to hide my phone under my pillow at night. 
