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@Yahooey : Totally agree and frustrating.

@Yahooey wrote:

the site keeps jumping back to previous posts and i can't heart


so frustrating....


waving hello to everyone - keeping off as it is too difficult to utilize


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You are dealing with a lot right now.  Yet you're always cheerful and ready to encourage others having their own problems.


I hope things smooth out for you soon.  And how nice of the pizza owner to give you your pizza for free!





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@cowboy sam 


I hope you get a chance to spend more time with your Texas sister before she leaves to go back home.  It's good that she also sees the changes in 'pancake sis' so that she can understand what you're going through with her.


And how nice that you got a May Basket!  You sure do have many people that think a lot of you!  We do here, too! ❤️


You take care too...


Lubs ya!💕

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Registered: ‎06-15-2015

dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart


Not a good day with pancake ..if she was talking to her neighbor  in the resturant and i'd start to say something she would tell me to "wait a minute" "Smiley Mad


I have to sit in back seat  in the cars all the time...and sometimes they talk to each other and sound gets muffled  by traffic  or road sounds!


and  on way home she asked me something   and I didn't anwer her right away  and she got upset and yelled at me.  telling me she knew i wasn't able to hear good but would i answer her question!..

and i got home  and in my driveway

i lost it by answering her question very louding.and told her i had to go to bathroom in my house  and slammed my car door shut!  her neighbor laughed while i told pancake off!

Smiley LOL


Her neighbor has plans for Friday..and i also told pancake i would  not be going with her...either...

meaning she would have to eat at her house by herself  as she won't go by herself and not at her fav. resturantSmiley LOL


ok..her neighbor told me at the resturant when pancake went to the resroom  that

   pancake had asked her neighbor to drive today  ,because she was" light headed  and off balance."... she" drove 5 miles to get me and go back to her house...

then she told " Me..that  she had called her neighbor. first and neighbor.. would take us to eat.Smiley Frustrated


Her neighbor wanted to come and get me but was told not too!SMH!


I'm going to tell her neighbor to send me a text if it happens again..and i will tell would be staying home!

OK rant over  and i feel better some what...sigh

Thanks for listening to my rant.Smiley Happy


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@geezerette : Thank you. So cute. Long stressful day. I called the furniture store and the indicated the biggest sale of the year  is the Memorial Day Sale. DH stated we needed to go plus if they needed to order the chair that could be 6 to 8 weeks.

They had one chair that I was looking at on line. It was very uncomfortable and had to much padding in the neck and back area with me being short. They had another one and I really liked the sales price because it was$300 cheaper but did not raise my feet high enough. The last one wasn't on line but still cheaper.I took my time sitting, lay flat and getting up and down. Two colors was bright red or chocolate and I chose chocolate.I also received a military discount. DH insisted that I get the extended warranty. By the time the taxes and delivery fee add : expensive .I am officially indebt. The best part: delivered today. I was concerned because the chair is 2 inches wider, needs to sit 15 inches from the wall to lay flat.  The chair is very heavy and difficult to move. I will purchase furniture movers under the chair. DH upset will the changes in the den and his afternoon tv viewing inturepted.

Thank goodness that the tv monitor stand could be adjusted and raised higher.

I need to move a few things closer to the wall and move my chair. I will do that when DH goes to lunch tomorrow. 

I have been moving around in the chair and DH looking at me. Just trying to get use to the changes. Still so much better than the other liftchair. Me and my soap operas.🤓🤗❤🙏


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cowboy sam : What a stressful day for you. More worry and scary , since you never know what is happening to Pancake Sis. You and her neighbor really need to stay in contact and communicate more. Really upset and concerned that the neighbor let Pancake drive ,knowing she stated she was lightheaded and off balance. Pancake doesn't need to be driving and putting herself and everyone in danger.

Totally understand why you told Pancake off.

I know it is difficult to stay home but when ever Pancake calls for lunch , you need to say  " no " .You need to be honest and tell Pancake that she has health problems and needs to stop driving. I know, easier said than done but this is very serious.

We don't want any thing happening to our favorite fashionista that can be prevented. We love you.!🤗🤗🤗🤗❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏

@cowboy sam wrote:

dear predsHeart  and friendsHeart


Not a good day with pancake ..if she was talking to her neighbor  in the resturant and i'd start to say something she would tell me to "wait a minute" "Smiley Mad


I have to sit in back seat  in the cars all the time...and sometimes they talk to each other and sound gets muffled  by traffic  or road sounds!


and  on way home she asked me something   and I didn't anwer her right away  and she got upset and yelled at me.  telling me she knew i wasn't able to hear good but would i answer her question!..

and i got home  and in my driveway

i lost it by answering her question very louding.and told her i had to go to bathroom in my house  and slammed my car door shut!  her neighbor laughed while i told pancake off!

Smiley LOL


Her neighbor has plans for Friday..and i also told pancake i would  not be going with her...either...

meaning she would have to eat at her house by herself  as she won't go by herself and not at her fav. resturantSmiley LOL


ok..her neighbor told me at the resturant when pancake went to the resroom  that

   pancake had asked her neighbor to drive today  ,because she was" light headed  and off balance."... she" drove 5 miles to get me and go back to her house...

then she told " Me..that  she had called her neighbor. first and neighbor.. would take us to eat.Smiley Frustrated


Her neighbor wanted to come and get me but was told not too!SMH!


I'm going to tell her neighbor to send me a text if it happens again..and i will tell would be staying home!

OK rant over  and i feel better some what...sigh

Thanks for listening to my rant.Smiley Happy


lubs ya!Heart


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Registered: ‎03-16-2010

@cowboy sam 


Oh dear, it sounds like pancake sis is getting worse if she is starting to notice her health problems.  Apparently she doesn't want to tell you but is willing to confess to her neighbor.  You were definitely smart to tell the neighbor to let you know beforehand if sis is having a bad day so you can avoid it.  Or maybe her neighbor could drive instead of pancake sis so you would still feel comfortable going to restaurant.  Of course that wouldn't necessarily keep pancake sis from yelling at you!


You do what's best for you.  Stay safe and if you don't feel up to dealing with pancake sis, stay home!❤️


Lubs ya!💕



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So glad you found a new chair so quickly!  It does sounds like it will take a bit of rearranging to fit in, but I'm sure you'll make it work.  I do hope it is more comfortable for you.  As for the expense, everything is expensive now!  And if it lets you rest with less pain, it's definitely worth it.❤️


Your DH sounds like my pets that don't like anything different going on in the house.  They like everything exactly the same and on time every day!😄  Well, so do I, but sometimes it doesn't happen like that.  He'll get used to everything soon I'll bet.

Hopefully your other home improvements will go smoothly and work well for you too--with minimal upset for DH!💕

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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@geezerette @cowboy sam : Totally agree.!

@geezerette wrote:

@cowboy sam 


Oh dear, it sounds like pancake sis is getting worse if she is starting to notice her health problems.  Apparently she doesn't want to tell you but is willing to confess to her neighbor.  You were definitely smart to tell the neighbor to let you know beforehand if sis is having a bad day so you can avoid it.  Or maybe her neighbor could drive instead of pancake sis so you would still feel comfortable going to restaurant.  Of course that wouldn't necessarily keep pancake sis from yelling at you!


You do what's best for you.  Stay safe and if you don't feel up to dealing with pancake sis, stay home!❤️


Lubs ya!💕




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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@geezerette : Thank you. It was wonderful not having to move over to another chair last night. I slept good . I am not as stiff  and sore . The pain not as bad.

The other furniture that I need to move is on furniture sliders, not so pretty but trying to prevent more back problems.🤓

@geezerette wrote:



So glad you found a new chair so quickly!  It does sounds like it will take a bit of rearranging to fit in, but I'm sure you'll make it work.  I do hope it is more comfortable for you.  As for the expense, everything is expensive now!  And if it lets you rest with less pain, it's definitely worth it.❤️


Your DH sounds like my pets that don't like anything different going on in the house.  They like everything exactly the same and on time every day!😄  Well, so do I, but sometimes it doesn't happen like that.  He'll get used to everything soon I'll bet.

Hopefully your other home improvements will go smoothly and work well for you too--with minimal upset for DH!💕