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as you have been visiting our thread 

u kinda know we are a pretty good bunch

feel free to chime in and thank u for the well wishes on my chompers

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Registered: ‎07-09-2010

@SouthernBee wrote:

@Yahooey : Ouch for the pain and price and will be relieved when finished. 

Your garden sounds delicious.🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍆🍆🍆🍆🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒

oopsie - @SouthernBee 

i call my cherry tomatoes cherries - i dont have any cherry trees but wouldnt it be great if i had trees? apples, cherries, pears oh my


hoping my raspberry and blackberry bush will sprout

unfortunaley my kumquate tree after having to wait forever for a replacement bit the dust over the winter indoors - Maya - meyer lemon lost all it leaves


it was hanging out nekkid in front of the window - oh my the hussie

i feel better bc i see some new growth and i beleive @Mj12 tree also was hanging out nekkid last winter and survived

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@Yahooey : DH planted a cherry tree over to years ago. Still looks the same.🤔😮

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@Yahooey @geezerette @SouthernBee @4kitties @dooBdoo  @loveschocolate @Mj12 @Bri369 @Drythe @cowboy sam  & All Preds' Friends.....



Hi Everyone!...It's been a busy week here, so I am  just now catching up on your posts....I headed to NY for a couple of days to be with one of my nieces who needed some support with some personal issues she is going through...She is such a sweetheart and always doing for everyone while, at the same time, being taken advantage of at the expense of her own happiness and she needed some loving therapeutic support and advice from her Auntie!


When I got home, a wonderful surprise was waiting for me...our kitchen faucet gave out and we ended up with water all over our counters, etc...It was the sprayer unit and also some leakage sprouting around the faucets...So we made a call to our plumber and he was out the next day...We are going with a brand new all-in-one kitchen faucet in black...It's going to look sharp...He has it on order and will be back next week to install it.


So happy the weekend is here and I am just doing some freshening up...the house and relaxing now!


Sending (((((Hugs))))) To Everyone! Heart


~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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@4kitties ...Welcome!...Would love to have you join in with us...We talk about anything and everything and throw in a lot of "crazies and fun" along the way...kinda like a toss-up between insanity and sanity at times!  lol 🤪


@Yahooey ..Good Luck on your dental work...I haven't had a dental implant but I know they can be very time consuming and expensive...I'm sure you will have a "vewy, vewy purr-dy" smile afterwards!...Also, to let you know, I contacted the Humane Society and the "kitteh on my brain" was adopted by a very loving family...I suspected that was the case after his profile pic was taken down...Another special rescue kitty is waiting for me out there somewhere and we will find each other. Heart


@Mj12 ...I'm so sorry to read about your fainting spell...They can be very scary and come on so fast....I've only had one in my entire life and it happened a couple of years ago, late at night...I had also thrown up during my fainting spell...Everything checked out fine, so it was suspected to be caused by a snack that I had eaten a couple of hours previously at a friend's house...Thinking of you and sending lots of positive thoughts that your tests come out okay...I know a few people who have low blood pressure and it causes tiredness and fainting at times...(((((Hugs)))))


@cowboy sam ...I didn't know that you also had your own very precious "Shadow" adorable Chihuahua...They can be hyper little devils and are so cute...Many of our neighbors are animal lovers and most have small dogs...various kinds and, whenever I'm out in my yard or just taking a walk and I come across a neighbor walking their dog, I tend to run up and greet their dog first...LOL


@dooBdoo...Many "hearts" back at ya!...It was so wonderful seeing your post! Heart



~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Registered: ‎07-09-2010



did u hang ur head out the window and called for me

i coulda use ur emotional support also - waaaah



i'm looking at kitchen stuff on and off

i want a delta leland touchless faucet in stainless

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rainy saturday and i've been watching this guy's clips

makes me laugh

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@4kitties   welcome..and please make yourself comfortble and chat whenever ya want to!Smiley LOL


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Did i miss a full moon??

You're  needing work done on her mouth/teethSmiley Sad😮



trying to help declutter her dh's room  and getting yelled atSmiley Sad


@MyShadowLove ..didn't get her new kittySmiley Sad


sending you each 🤗🤗🤗


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."