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hope you are feeling better now🤗.


lubs ya!Heart


preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎10-04-2010

Good Monday all, we're on our way to HO HO HO day.

What you asking dear Santa Baby for this year?

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Posts: 12,854
Registered: ‎07-09-2010



i have shared in the past - but then i msg the link but i thought i have shared here also

trying another way - then i give up - blaming it on the forum glitches....


this link has share as part of the title - maybe? maybe not,..

i havent watched TK and i dont post on insta -... but i do look from time to time since family members do... and TK popped up with new merchandise- figure i will spport even if i dont watch .... those were such fun times... waiting for you to drag branches to your spare room...

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Posts: 12,854
Registered: ‎07-09-2010

morning everyone -

sunny today and then rain for the next 2

whatcha up to? i can't post gifs now - tried twice with diff gifs - nope

my cutie was shaking his head - but now no more - boo hiss

Screen Shot 2022-12-05 at 7.53.48 AM.png

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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

Good Morning Preds and Friends!

See the source image

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Registered: ‎11-03-2018

I'm having a terrible time even getting in here to post. I keep getting an error message that the page has timed out.

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Posts: 5,380
Registered: ‎01-05-2015

Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]

@cowboy samwrote:


I was able to use her link she posted to you the 2d time and i am not a member either..

lubs ya!Heart

@cowboy samThanks for letting me know...It may have something to do with my browser at this time...I really don't know...There's always something going on in this amazing advanced technical world that we live in...Isn't it wild and fun!...LOL

lubs ya! Heart


~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,380
Registered: ‎01-05-2015

Re: @Preds ❤️

[ Edited ]



this link has share as part of the title - maybe? maybe not,..

i havent watched TK and i dont post on insta -... but i do look from time to time since family members do... and TK popped up with new merchandise- figure i will spport even if i dont watch .... those were such fun times... waiting for you to drag branches to your spare room...

@Yahooey...I checked TK last night and there are a few videos...One is of "Fifi and her newborn kittens" adorable!...Chat was active so I hung around a little while...It brought back such great memories!

If I drag branches and other debris into my spare room, will you volunteer as one of my "snugglers"...I will need all the help that I can and also will need some pizza boxes...lesson learned from our Shelly, when she first started out with her rescue mission and dream.

Here is a video from about two years ago that will bring back so many heartfelt memories that we shared with her. Heart

Dec 11, 2019 ... Tinykittens founder Shelly Roche talks about how and why we rescue the unrescuable.Learn more about our rescue work: http://TinyKittens.

Eta:...When clicking on the above link, you may or may not get one of those "robot tests" and then the video will start.

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~
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Posts: 9,689
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

Good Afternoon Y'all: Issues trying to sign in or post.🙄🙄🙄

Busy this weekend trying to finish Christmas shopping.

Last night around 8:30 pm DH heard loud noise from kitchen . Yep..... here we go again. Called this morning and earliest repair appointment on Tuesday 12\13? Whatever. Total bummer.

Yesterday decided to bake the Duncan Hines Dolly Parton Banana cake mix. Didn't care for the imitation banana flavor cake mix. Normally don't like the can frosting but vanilla flavor butter cream and you fold this into a cup of whipped heavy cream. The frosting was really good. I have the Dolly Parton coconut cake mix and hopefully it will be better.

Just tired, worn out and frustrated. Really difficult to remain positive.🤗