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@Yahooey : Can't break the habit of afternoon nap.I crash between 2 and 3. This month retired 21 years and still wake up at 6 a.m. working schedule. Still have bad dreams about working.🤷‍♀️

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@Yahooey : I was sitting in my recliner paying bills and at 7:30 power went off but came back with everything but the cable and will call later.

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@Bri369 : Good Morning. Are you still cold? I am and ready to make coffee.🤗❤️☕️☕️☕️

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could you forgo the nap? do you think you would sleep throught the night then?



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@Yahooey : I have tried so many things. Work was so stressful- never slept good. I eat early and no caffeine. Went to sleep last night at 11 and woke up to go to the bathroom.

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Weather is changing once again  so i was tossin an turning but mamaged to stay in bed i sat on couch and leaned back in recliner part for a bit,  went in bathroom and turned shower  on,got in ,yep nice an clean ,put jammies on and robe.


Weatherman said on radio as i was a listning...

rain,sleet,snow,frrezing cold wind chill today thro weekend...


told us to stay inside and out of cold blowing wind later on!

possible 4 in of snow...wind factor later -10 or colder


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Good morning preds and friends of predsSmiley Happy


@SouthernBee @Yahooey @Bri369 @loveschocolate @Mj12 @dooBdoo @Drythe @PamfromCT @momtochloe @JaneMarple @Coquille @croemer @NEvans2 @masque @Hippiified @Tique @dmod nj 



lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : Good Morning. Stay in. Stay safe and warm. Just got off phone with cable company and cable restored. The normal reboot didn't work and I had to get up and reach behind cable box to unplug which wasn't easy. Cable tech very understanding. 🤗❤️

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I understand...


once not long after i got my last tv..the remote control stopped working,even replaced batteries so i call Sony....uh wanted a serial number off back of tv...what?? i had one heck of a time finding it  and twisting this body  around looking  but i found it!

New tv is sitting  on my heavy tv stand but  doesn't have to move botton stand on tv around   hard to explain..smh!


Yes,i was sent a new remote control  Smiley Happy


Glad you had a nice person to help you Heart


lubs ya!Heart

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."
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Posts: 9,354
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@cowboy sam : DH wasn't up yet and knew he would be upset with cable off. I shall count the effort as a little morning exercise.😀🤗❤️