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Greetings and good morning, Preds and friends!dancingstar.gif



I'm thinking of Preds and Buster...❤️


#WWPD⭐️   #LoveStays❤️



Preds & Buster



Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@Yahooey wrote:

PSA - yahooey has gone a fishin'


I fished a lot in my youth - went with the family to a shoreline where you can walk thigh deep - stick a bamboo stick with a sandworm and caught porgies.


Sometimes we would use a fishing lure and cast out and caught snappers


I don't remember the particulars - but high tide - low tide - what kind of lure - 

we also used a net and pull in the live bait and keep them in a box anchor to the water

Mostly snappers, porgies, sometimes a fluke and yes we ate the fish.


Yes, I have eaten fish from the NY harbor - yea, I'm bad @&$


Once in a while we would go on a boat - pay the fee and they provide bait and poles - we brought our large pole and reels - I can hold my own and of course the men would always give me pointers - HA! I just didn't like to take the fish off the hook bc they were bigger. It was bass, fluke, whiting - never went for bluefish - too big for me to handle.


I didn't mind threading live fish bait or the live sandworms with the many legs.

Fish won't go for old dead bait - they prefer fresh




Cool memories, @Yahooey.❤️   I hope it brings back good feelings, looking back and remembering the simple pleasures.   I've been fishing.  One time.   In Texas!   I think the story might be boring.🤔😜   

Live sandworms...  yikes!   Oh, not good.   Have you ever seen the movie, "Beetlejuice"?   Your post just conjured up thoughts of those sandworms!🙀 


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@MyShadowLove wrote:

@loveschocolate wrote:

@dooBdoo , she LOVED to fish, but WOULD NOT eat fish. Nope. Wasn't happening. 😝 



@loveschocolate ...Really!...That is an interesting tidbit about our Preds...So she loved the experience of fishing but didn't like eating it...Did she like any seafood at all?


I wish I had known this as I would have shared with her that my husband also likes fishing...I tried going with him a few times but I couldn't handle it as I always felt so sorry for the fish and couldn't bear watching it struggling...Many times he would free it back to the water and I would tell him how the whole experience was traumatizing for the poor fish and that they would need therapy...Preds would definitely have gotten a kick out of my reaction for 





You have a tender heart, @MyShadowLove.❤️


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@cowboy sam,  You're welcome, though I wasn't much help.   Sounds like the company isn't offering much assistance.   I noticed they do have a "community forum" on their website so there might be some tips there (I'll browse through it later and see if I can find anything).   Also, what about trying a thread in the "Electronics" sub-forum?   I know there are many posters here who use CCleaner, and they might have exactly the answer to your dilemma.   I hope you find a solution.❤️


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@MyShadowLove wrote:



@Yahooey...Loved reading about your fishing expeditions with your family....Great memories!...From reading about your sharings on these forums, I can easily picture you as a outdoorsy kind of gal...You love camping, biking, the ocean and fishing...can't get much more outdoorsy than that.


You brought back a memory of when by brother, who was 15 years older than me, took my sister and I clam digging a couple of times...His wife's family had a cottage along the beach area, but I can't recall where it was...I was very young at the time, so my memory is vague on some details...but I do have a clear image of us on the beach with my brother showing us how to dig up the clams...We brought them back to the cottage and had steamers for dinner.


I often wish that I kept a diary from a young age so that I could refresh my memory with every detail of all that I experienced growing up throughout my life...I do have many picture albums and other special memorabilia, including letters from my first love when I was 14...and also from my husband when I first met him when he was in the Service...tucked away in a special chest and, every now and then, usually on a Wintry day, I will curl up and go through that chest and just go back in time for a little while....Sometimes, I want to stay there! lol  Woman Very Happy



@MyShadowLove,  It would be nice to have diaries or journals for a look back to those days, wouldn't it.    I'm sentimental -- sounds like you are, too -- and I did tuck away some little keepsakes along the way that are an emotional link to people, places, times, emotions.   


Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@Yahooey wrote:



HA outdoorsy - LOL

I get hot when it hits 75 degrees

Clumsy and falls easily walking in flats

Injured myself with a mis step over a door saddle


yet - I do love doing stuff outdoors 

the smell of pine outdoors give me joy

in the ocean playing with the fishies makes my heart sing

s'mores by the campfire and looking at stars overhead is magic


guess living in the concrete jungle makes me appreciate space that I don't have


how are you friend?

I read that Stella and Twinkle are going home after Twinkle's spay schedule for the 21st - and if both are healthy - then soon after


I don't know all the new guets bc it is just too many to keep track of

lubs you lots


quoting a John Lennon's song - Beautiful Boy

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans


you just don't realize it as it is happening until you look back

when I'm doing something special - I try to take a moment to enjoy as opposed to looking for the next thing - it is the small things that are special which we tend to take for granted until later - sniffing pine trees - eating a s'more - 

posting with ❤️preds





That's an important reminder, @Yahooey.   How much do we miss along the path while we're hurrying to get the "important" things done...  and what do we appreciate, or wish we had appreciated, when we look back.




Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova