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Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

....and they drank it. The hand sanitizer was non-toxic and no one is reported sick, but all 25 children were taken to the hospital.


Vendor says the same equipment is used to fill hand sanitizer bottles and milk, and the cartons didn't get switched. How is this possible?


Clearly more details are yet to come.

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

What the he🏒🏒


Absolutely no excuse for something like this!😤😤😤

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

unconscionable mistake....a head will roll.

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

So a dairy is making hand sanitizer too?  

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer


Dozens of NJ Students Sent to Hospital After Sanitizer Found in School Milk

Camden City schools sent 25 children to the hospital out of precaution after "consumable" sanitizer was found in milk cartons distributed at a kindergarten and pre-K facility on Wednesday, according to officials

Published 1 hour ago Updated 53 mins ago

A couple dozen public school students in Camden, New Jersey, went to the hospital as a precaution after they drank school-issued milk that contained sanitizer, the school district and a Camden County spokesman said Wednesday.


None of the students were ill and none had any symptoms of sickness when they were taken to a city hospital on Wednesday, a county spokesman said. They went to the hospital as a precaution.


The school district said in a series of tweets and a Facebook post that the contaminated milk was given out at the Early Children Development Center, where kindergarten and pre-K students attend.


The substance is apparently used to prevent anything harmful from getting into the milk when it is packaged before shipping. It is consumable, the school district said.

"Unfortunately, many cartons were filled with the sanitizer, sealed, and then shipped out with the milk. We pulled all milk today and NO milk will be served until the investigation is completed," Camden schools said in a tweet. "Emergency teams were dispatched to the school."




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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer





Mixed messages here ..... one post says it was HAND sanitizer and another says it was "consumable" milk sanitizer.


Personally, I didn't know there was such a thing as milk sanitizer .... isn't that what the pasteurization process is for?


Anyone care to get the actual facts on this news article?

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Registered: ‎10-22-2018

Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

I heard the 4:00 pm update and the story is still ambiguous. Milk cartons filled with hand sanitizer or milk contaminated with hand sanitizer? More than one location? We'll know more tomorrow.

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

[ Edited ]

It is no wonder that some people choose to retreat from the world, along with their family.  Of course that action is, in general, not a practical choice -- but really, so many more things can go wrong when dealing with the current world.


One never knows what can go wrong.  It's probably best that we go forth with blind faith. 




I hope all the children remain well and that there are no long-term effects from something as yet undiscovered in their system.

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Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

Seems that people were more 'exact' years ago.


Well, maybe because they had to be. 


Employers were more conscientious, it seems.  Strict rules that had to be followed. Checking and re-checking this and that.


Well, that's how I remember it.  



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Posts: 3,031
Registered: ‎10-22-2018

Re: Pre-K Children in Camden, NJ Given Milk Cartons Filled with Hand Sanitizer

@ROMARY   Your post applies equally to vendor employees and the reporters covering this.