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Re: Pranks to avoid boredom...

@AntiqueRose @A little dose of silly keeps everything from getting too seriously boring.

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Re: Pranks to avoid boredom...

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain wrote:

Having fun at another's expense is unkind.


I have never liked pranks or practical jokes. Don’t want to be a part of them. I don’t like them played on others or me. My close friends and family know this about me so fortunately, I don’t see it or experience it very often.


I was the butt of a few and saw a few when I was working. One was especially cruel IMO. Made it clear I didn’t like it. I was told to “lighten up”. Sorry, not ever going to change my mind on this topic. 


You can laugh, have fun, and be silly without pranks & practical jokes. 

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Re: Pranks to avoid boredom...

Early on children learn that to avoid being called a poor sport and mocked they need to play along, laugh and pretend to think it's fun. It isn't fun for the victim.


It's gaslighting, mean spirited, and the behavior of a bully.

It destroys trust in those meant to be friends and those who claim to love the victim.


Jimmy Kimmel convinced parents to hide their children's Halloween candy and tell them they had eaten it. Lie to them. So much for trusting those the children should trust most

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Re: Pranks to avoid boredom...

Thanks to all for your responses. Glad some folks enjoyed the story but if you didn’t, it’s fine to express that too.


Have a nice evening everyone! 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Pranks to avoid boredom...

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@Kalli -

I don't like many practical jokes either but I thought this was so funny and laughing as I read your post.

You both sound like such a cute couple and you seem like a very sweet person.

I especialy laughed when it turned to QVC and his "remarks" lol!

My son, actually all my children would protest loudly when we were all sitting together and I would turn on QVC. (when I used to watch a lot!).

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"