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Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

[ Edited ]

Alert:   we are advised to discard any onions sourced from Mexico, due to samonella risk.  Hundeds of people have been sickened.


Warning incudes red, white, yellow onions, and we're advised  not to buy any onions if the source is unknown.


More  info can be found online from many sources.



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Re: News just in: potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

Thank you for that!


I just bought some yesterday and checked and they say USA on the stickers.


Normally, I shuck off the outer skins before I bring them in because I'm so afraid of fruit flies.  I forgot to with these. I'm glad.

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Registered: ‎07-02-2015

Re: News just in: potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

@Lucky Charm 


I just checked a small bag of yellow onions purchased  a few days ago......grown in Peru, according to the label.

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Re: Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

I think I have some of those red onions, I made a batch of salsa the other day and in the mddle of the night, I was so so sick.  



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

They have to update or simplify the reporting process for these suspected illnesses.  I once came down with e coli and the doctor to whom I spoke said there was no keeping track of these incidents in our rural county.  

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Re: Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

Check your state where people are sick.....I am so grateful I am in Vermont

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

@northiie57 wrote:

Check your state where people are sick.....I am so grateful I am in Vermont

I'm in New Jersey, which shows only 1-5 people sick from this, but I bought the onions at WF in Pennsylvania.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Potential salmonella in onions from Mexico

And thank you @SharkE  for recommending Morris Farms Vidalia onion growers in Georgia.

