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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

I have heard that bare feet is worse for carpet because of the oil on your feet.  Also, you can transfer fungus & other foot diseases.

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

[ Edited ]




My sister has that rule about shoes....she has a short-haired cat that doesnt shed....but the reason she does it is not only because of her hardwood floors she just cleaned, but because she has new furniture and unfortunately she has inconsiderate friends that like to curl up on her couch and chairs and put their dirty shoes on the seat cushions so she made the rule of TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF....I keep a pair slippers at her house......


I think the crux of your complaint is you thought your boss was giving the impression that she thought the employees were dirtier then her uncouth dogs, and cared about their comfort level more than that of the employees too.....And yes she should have put the dogs up, BUT afterall, it was a nice gesture she invited employees over for breakfast, not many bosses would do that--try to look at the positive side!

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

I wear shoes 24/7. As a teen I was warned that Type 1 diabetics need to be vigilant about not going barefoot. So far no one has ever asked me to remove my shoes and we do have some Japanese friends who completely understand when I come to their home...

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

            The home became "the workplace" when staff were told by a supervisor to meet there.
            If the house is that messy and disruptive, the rule to remove shoes seems like cognitive dissonance.    
            Sometimes when we live in an environment we lose perspective and can't see it as someone with fresh eyes would see it.   I think if we invite others to our home, even if we've made it an extension of the workplace, we need to try and make it pleasant for all involved as best we can -- that would include letting everyone know in advance the "rules" like no shoes and also it would include keeping boisterous pets away.
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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

I would just have a rule no shoes on the furniture. Lol

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

@dooBdoo wrote:
            The home became "the workplace" when staff were told by a supervisor to meet there.
            If the house is that messy and disruptive, the rule to remove shoes seems like cognitive dissonance.    
            Sometimes when we live in an environment we lose perspective and can't see it as someone with fresh eyes would see it.   I think if we invite others to our home, even if we've made it an extension of the workplace, we need to try and make it pleasant for all involved as best we can -- that would include letting everyone know in advance the "rules" like no shoes and also it would include keeping boisterous pets away.

@dooBdoo  You summed up my point exactly. I never intended the thread to become an argument about whether taking shoes off was right or wrong. It was about the bizarre irony of being asked to remove our shoes when the floors were so messy and the environment was so chaotic. It was like being asked to put on a hairnet before entering a wig factory.

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

She should have put the dogs in the back years or in a room where they were isolated from the crowd. I don't ask people to take off their shoes when they come inside my house; seems rude to me....if they have on muddy shoes or the weather is bad, I will tell them the foyer rug is fine to leave their shoes on...and they usually are glad to do it.
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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

She should have taken everyone out for breakfast....and I don't wear slippers others have been wearing either. Rude to expect guests to take off their shoes......if your carpet is too pristine to walk on in shoes, I don't want to be there anyway.
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Re: Please, Take Off Your...

@LolaLasagne wrote:

My boss decided to have our weekly staff meeting at her house this morning, because she wanted to cook us breakfast. There are only 10 of us. I thought that was so nice, and several of us brought fresh juice, special jams, etc.


When I arrived, she asked me to take off my shoes. Now, I know a lot of people ask this of their guests, so regardless of what I think of this practice, I get it, and I'm fine with doing it. However, she has two giant Golden Retrievers who were running around the house jumping up on me, digging their snouts into my crotch, and I had to avoid giant tumbleweeds of dog hair everywhere I walked. By the time breakfast was finished, I was covered in dog hair and slobber. Am I crazy, or was it too much for her to ask us to take off our shoes in this particular situation?

Yes. She was rude.  I’m not allowed to go barefoot in a house because of foot pain.  I have to have my foot supported at all times.  I wonder what she would about that?  

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Re: Please, Take Off Your...