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Posts: 5
Registered: ‎01-10-2018

Shower gel Beach Party, it keeps showing up on the Summer Shower Gels but it’s always X out like a few others. Would like to know if it’s going to come in stock? My favorite Summer Gel and keep hoping it shows up. 

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Posts: 38,030
Registered: ‎06-11-2011

Hi and welcome. If you look at the list of forum topics to your left you see a Customer Care forum at the bottom.The moderators for this board are also Customer Service reps and that would have been the best place to post your question for a response
Just so you know for next time. Don't re-post there because we aren't supposed to post duplicate threads in the different forums, just be aware of Customer Care for next time - it is the Customer Service forum that the mods read and monitor.
Also I would recommend not posting your first and last name here.
Sorry I can't help about the Philosophy. Maybe you can find it on the Philosophy website.
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Posts: 1,471
Registered: ‎10-10-2019



She can always ask the MODS to move the thread to Customer Care.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,030
Registered: ‎06-11-2011
@Sheila P-Burg Well that's not necessary. The point is that the mods see and answer it. They can answer it right here then if they see it and wouldn't NEED to move it. 🙄
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Posts: 1,471
Registered: ‎10-10-2019




@Pearlee  ....... They haven't yet.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 38,030
Registered: ‎06-11-2011
No need to move it. TO MOVE IT THEY'D SEE IT.
You are just adding another step