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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

Martin Shkreli Resigns as CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, Interim Boss Announced


I'll bet he's already scheming how to make it all work for himself.

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

Another case of "affluenza"???


My heart bleeds for him.

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

He's in a lot of trouble.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

He does not appear to be smirking now.  

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

@chickenbutt wrote:

He does not appear to be smirking now.  

I heard something briefly late last night that he was surprised & "distraught" about being arrested.  What a doofuss.  Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

VCamp2748 wrote:

chickenbutt wrote:

He does not appear to be smirking now.  

I heard something briefly late last night that he was surprised & "distraught" about being arrested.  What a doofuss.  Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


I think he probably fancied himself above all that.   Too bad, so sad. Smiley Wink

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

The guy is an egomaniac.  He's put up more than three hours of video on youtube, telling everyone how great he is and that he doesn't care if people hate him.


I hope he does go to prison.

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Re: Pharma Bro Arrested for Securities Fraud

@Noel7 wrote:

The guy is an egomaniac.  He's put up more than three hours of video on youtube, telling everyone how great he is and that he doesn't care if people hate him.


I hope he does go to prison.

I saw that, too, the video of him saying he really doesn't care that people don't like him.  I'm sure at that point he was still in arrogant  "I'm above the rest of you peasants" mode.   Wonder if he's still feeling like that?  He has been fired, after all, and charged with fraud.  I think his troubles may be just beginning and...oh gosh, does he have many friends to rally round?