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A couple of years ago I received an invitation in the mail for a graduation of a Great neice I had never met because they live in a state quite a distance away. The graduation was in 2 days so it was clear it was a "send gift" invite.I'm sure they would have been very surprised if I had shown up for the graduation. I sent a check. When the check cleared my bank I saw that cursive writing was something she had not been taught. I still have not gotten a thank you from her. If it hadn't cleared my checking account I wouldn't have known she received it. 

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@shopperqvc,  Two rudes in a row.  It is rude of them to send the invitation knowing they are looking for a gift and so very rude for not writing a thank you.  I had sent my neice's son a gift (he was maybe 2 yrs. old).  I had no idea if it was received never heard a word.  I stopped sending gifts.  You get to a point in life and say "no more."  

kindness is strength
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Puppy Lips Yeah. You should just let it go. 

Unless like the other person said that you are very close to your brother, but you would know best. Right now you are upset. If you speak to your brother then he will be upset. Then he will tell his wife & she will be upset. Then they will scold the son & he & his wife will be embarrassed & upset. But, you may get a written thank you card.

I give a gift because I choose to give it. Once I give it I really hope they love & appreciate it, but....I hate getting thank you notes. I know. It's ridiculous. I find them terribly embarrassing. I won't open them. I leave them on the table & my husband will open it & leave it laying out. He thinks I am rude for not reading them. LOL

If you really want to make a point send a SASE to your nephew with a blank thank you card in it. 

Maybe your nephew assumes that his wife took care of thank yous & she either is way behind or sent your & IT got lost in the mail.

Either way, you give a gift out of the goodness of your heart. 

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@Dusty1 wrote:

@Puppy Lips Yeah. You should just let it go. 

Unless like the other person said that you are very close to your brother, but you would know best. Right now you are upset. If you speak to your brother then he will be upset. Then he will tell his wife & she will be upset. Then they will scold the son & he & his wife will be embarrassed & upset. But, you may get a written thank you card.

I give a gift because I choose to give it. Once I give it I really hope they love & appreciate it, but....I hate getting thank you notes. I know. It's ridiculous. I find them terribly embarrassing. I won't open them. I leave them on the table & my husband will open it & leave it laying out. He thinks I am rude for not reading them. LOL

If you really want to make a point send a SASE to your nephew with a blank thank you card in it. 

Maybe your nephew assumes that his wife took care of thank yous & she either is way behind or sent your & IT got lost in the mail.

Either way, you give a gift out of the goodness of your heart. 

@Dusty1I guess you are right.  I will let it go.  There may still be one coming, although I think it is way past due.  At least I know that I taught my boys to always send thank you notes when the are required.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Honestly, I know this is petty, but gum chewing, especially by people working in customer service. I can't stand listening to people chewing and snapping their gum. People who talk with food or gum in their mouth just have bad manners! So gross to have to look at that. 

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@Puppy LipsFrustrating & hurtful, but probably the easiest thing to do.

Families are difficult.

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  My pet peeves:

  When I lose my cellphone. Then I have to have my daughter CALL IT so I can find it! (I need some sort of homing device on it.)


  When I lose the TV remote.

  Ditto the need for a homing device.


  Another pet peeve is when I do something I know I SHOULDN'T do. Woman Sad





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Negative people.

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Telemarketing calls.  I don't screen calls so when I answer the phone, I politely tell them no.  Now if it's a scam call, then I just hang up.

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@sallybusky wrote:

@Puppy Lips: Not receiving a Thank You note for wedding gifts bug me too. If you have a close relationship with your brother, I think it would be ok to mention it to him. Although it isn't the father's problem, he surely won't mind giving his son a reminder that people go out of their way, financially and otherwise, to make sure their day was special. 

A father is not responsible for what his adult son does or doesn't do.  There's no need to put him in the middle.  That's awkward for everyone.