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Today I was home waiting for delivery when someone knocked at my door. Usually I don't answer the door because my theory is if I did not invite you over don't come over. Anyway I went downstairs thinking it was my delivery, open the door and these two guys started asking me questions about the Bible. I just shut the door in their face. What do you guys do?
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Re: People who knock on my door

I NEVER open the door to anyone I am not expecting. It is not worth the chance.

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Re: People who knock on my door

Works for me every time if they are males, like myself. I open the door sans clothing, and off they go!
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Re: People who knock on my door

I say, "No religion, thank you, goodbye" and shut the door.

I asked the Mormons in our last area to put us on their "do not call" list, and they said they would, but they never did.

The only people who come to the door in pairs are either religion pedlars, or cops. Cops would make themselves known. So if I see there are two people at the door, I just don't answer.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: People who knock on my door

Yikes! The worst of the worst solicitors, IMO. I will spare what I have to say to the religious ones in particular.

What I usually do is end up getting rather angry because I have signs that say 'no trespassing' and 'no soliciting'. Furthermore, since those don't seem to work, I had to print up a couple of signs that get even MORE specific that basically say, among other specificities, do NOT ring the door bell or knock on the door and do NOT leave anything on this property (of course there are exclusions on the notice for UPS, USPS, FedEx, and ONTRAC).

Well, even with all that they either lay on the doorbell and/or bang on the door.

I can't even use words that relate the level of anger I have for this stuff. It's MY property. I pay the property taxes and the mortgage. I think I should have the right to privacy on my own property and especially with it lined out so succinctly on those numerous notices.

But they come and they say 'oh I'm not soliciting - BUT ...' and the spiel starts. It's so upsetting that the last time (they woke up the household, btw) I ended up screaming 'get the eff off my property! CAN'T YOU READ???'. I get the finger as he walks away. No brain, no pain. People like this -

I guess when they stopped teaching grammar, spelling, MANNERS, and vocabulary, it was before they got to what the word 'soliciting' means because every dam one of them will argue that they aren't soliciting before they begin to solicit you.


(sorry - this is my biggest peeve and, I might even add, the bane of my existence.)

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Re: People who knock on my door

I don't open my door to anyone I don't expect, but I've been approached at bus stops by religious peddlers. I tell them up front I'm totally not interested. They then go on and I repeat again that I'm not interested. Once I told a guy 'you want to tell me to go to he** don't you?' He denied it but I said 'sure you do, I can see it in your demeanor and you're human no matter what your religion'. That seemed to shut him up.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: People who knock on my door

I just say "Sorry, not interested" and close the door. We live in a building with an intercom and you cannot get in unless someone buzzes you in. So, that type of thing doesn't happen often.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: People who knock on my door

Many years ago, (and I was way too sweet and nice at that time), one of them put their foot in between the door and the door jamb, so I couldn't close it. And said that she wasn't 'soliciting'. Are r*ligious groups exempt from being classified as door-to-door solicitors? In our area, solicitors need permits to solicit. Anyway, at that time, I wouldn't have minded; but they kept ringing all of our doorbells in our neighborhood over and over again (daily) on the same block. Whether we previously answered the door or not. I really don't think that they understood/understand that they were/are alienating themselves even more by trying too hard. It's counterproductive for them, IMO. And the very best to all, BTW.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,193
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: People who knock on my door

I just won't answer either, our doorbell doesn't work and we love it that way!!!

Can you just imagine how the dogs in that neighborhood barked when those people kept ringing doorbells etc. That alone could drive someone crazy! That is called disturbing the peace. There should be a cop watching this!!

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Posts: 38,386
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: People who knock on my door

In my previous home, I would yell through the door that I am Catholic, though I am not, and they would leave. Where I live now, it is too difficult to get to on foot, so they don't come here. I feel the same about telemarketers, so I never answer the phone and if I do, I immediately hang up. The nerve of these people to intrude on someone in their own home!