The days of employer loyalty are largely gone, and have been gone for almost 20 years, except perhaps for mom & pop businesses.
They once could not fire you without just cause, and two weeks severance pay was standard. In order to save money it's the *companies themselves* that have changed policy so that both employer and employee can leave at will - they did it so they could fire at will without notice and not owe an employee anything. And sometimes it backfires on them.
Not to mention yanking pensions and health insurance out from under long-term employees or severely curtailing them without warning. Employers in general are making it VERY clear they value employees not much - the larger the company the more accurate the sentiment. More and more poorly treated long-tetm employees are gettin' with the program and using it to *their* advantage.
In this girl's case, this is the only business ethics she knows, because they were given to her by today's working world.
Life without Mexican food is no life at all