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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

Honestly, I think people are getting more and more nervy. I don't know why anyone thinks it is their business who you choose to do your roof. I can't imagine telling someone they chose the wrong company. Especially if I wasn't paying for it!

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

your right. thats what his wife told him. she told him not to go with that roofer.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

My elderly aunt is the worst for telling you you spent too much money on something. A roof is expensive no matter who does the work, so I would spend more if I knew I could count on the roofer to come back and fix something if needed.

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

Yes, it happens when our cars are inspected. If they need breaks or any work, someone in the family always tells us we were ripped off. We probably were because my husband doesnt know how to work on cars and I know when you can do the work yourself of course its cheap! (But he can remodel our house). So now we dont mention costs. That solves that! lol. (But I often thought why didnt the person/persons offer to put our breaks on since they know it all? lol)

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles
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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

It took a few years to condition my husband not to offer up the cost of anything. His family will ask and he's now not giving them out that information and changes the subject, something flippant, or says "the usual amount that would cost." We can tell it bothers the brother's wives that they don't have this to bad mouth us or give us the common "you should have..."

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@Noel7 wrote:

I don't know what it is with some people.  We get that on this forum sometimes, one person chastising another for what they bought here when they could get a much cheaper version somewhere else.



Hi @Noel7,


I agree. I think people should shop wherever they want. Smiley Happy


Perhaps someone may not realize that another person may be shopping with a store shopping card or store credit card when they're shopping somewhere in particular, that may be offering a coupon price, discount, sale price, or payment plan, and so on, where that person would pick that particular retail site to shop at over another one. 


I know that for us, that can determine why we pick one retailer over another when making a purchase.


Sometimes it may not be price as a deciding factor if the price is close between retailers, but it may be that one retailer offers a better return policy over the other, for example, if we think that for whatever reason, we might have to return the item. 

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money


I went through that too. However, the one's who speak are "control freaks" (in my experience) and they contribute NOTHING but their voice and opinion. So file it under, "IGNORE".  I still feel I was right & it paid off. Funny how things work out. You have to trust your gut instincts!

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

Unless they are paying for it and your bills, it's none of their business.


I had a neighbor that used to call me to tell me it was a nice day out, turn the a/c off and open the windows...

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

I don't like telling people what things cost us.  I don't really care what people spend their money on.  


My sister bought a new car, and my husband asked me what she paid for it.  It would never cross my mind to even wonder about something like that, let alone ask. 

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Re: People deciding you spent too much money

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@cherry wrote:

Tomorrow our new roof goes on. We picked a certain company to do it, because of their reputation, and better business ratings


In the last 2 days my husband, has had 2 people tell him, our company is too expensive. We chose a company that has been in business for 27 years and whose son just entered the company after college. Because we want a company that is going to be around if we need them in the future


I would never presume to tell someone they are being over charged for something, No one even knows the price of the roof or the type of shingles we are using


I think they are out of line. Has this kind of thing happened to you?



I've found that the best way to sidestep these conversations is to simply not tell them what you're spending.  


"Let's just say I got a very good deal" usually does the trick

ARG !  -   I have tried that tactic too.  Unfortunetly for me- it has opened the conversation into so many other questions.


 I don't voluntarily TELL anyone anything - unless they are VERY VERY good friends.