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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

I don't really have any fears about the number 13. Both my husband and sister were born on the 13th day of the month of May. My aunt always won prizes at the church picnic when she played number 13. 

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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

[ Edited ]

I even went to the doctor today, so no next appt. is also a Friday, the 13th. LOL.  So I guess I'm safe from all of that.


I have to add, doesn't that sound like Lucy from Charlie Brown comics.  That's what it felt like to me. LOL

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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

I have to say that Friday the 13th's and full moon's were not favorite shifts in the hospital. Notoriously unpleasant. No phobia, just fact.

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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

@Mary Bailey wrote:

Today is my grandson's 3rd birthday

@Mary Bailey   Aww, I hope he had a wonderful birthday!!!


"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

[ Edited ]

I was born on Friday the 13th and my husband was too. Same month and year. In October. And yes, he wss a 33degree Mason.


Friday the 13th is always a lucky or just very pleasant day for me.


Once we took a last minute road trip to Gatlinburg and there was an antique car show. We stayed too late to drive home, so set out to find a motel. Dark, windy mountain roads, and every place we passed said "no vacancy." We were just about to head for home, and one vacancy sign was lit up. We went in, and the desk person said, "Sorry the only room we have left is number 13. Nobody wants it." We took it gladly and laughed really hard!

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Re: Paraskevidedkatriaphobia.

Strangely enough I find that I am freaked out by a Friday the 13th.  Wish I wasn't though because I don't want a self fulfilling prophecy so I usually stay home.  Cat Frustrated