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@lianne wrote:

If you were reading or watching factual newspapers or news channels, no one downplayed the severity of this virus, nor said it only affected the elderly.

Only a certain politician and a certain news outlet downplayed it and called it a hoax from the beginning.

@occasionalrain wrote:

It's beginning to feel like Groundhog Day


I think they went wrong when they announced it wasn't seriously affecting those under 60 and children. It allowed for disregard of the virus and people going on with vacations plans, parties...and spreading the virus.


And that station is planning their defense from lawsuits.  

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@tansy wrote:

@lianne wrote:

If you were reading or watching factual newspapers or news channels, no one downplayed the severity of this virus, nor said it only affected the elderly.

Only a certain politician and a certain news outlet downplayed it and called it a hoax from the beginning.

@occasionalrain wrote:

It's beginning to feel like Groundhog Day


I think they went wrong when they announced it wasn't seriously affecting those under 60 and children. It allowed for disregard of the virus and people going on with vacations plans, parties...and spreading the virus.


And that station is planning their defense from lawsuits.  

@tansy, there were also delays and skepticism even AFTER it was known that this virus is could become a deadly pandemic.

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Re: PM Boris Johnson

[ Edited ]

@on the bay wrote:

@esther22 -

I wish this was more of a promising solution and I'm sure everyone does.


I just heard from a doctor today and also read from Mayo Clinic doctors and more, that this drug and others they are testing, in some patients can cause sudden cardiac arrest.

Yikes! That is really scary and they are trying to identify and be very careful about which patients they give it to. So it is definitely not a miracle drug unfortunately.

Now I would be afraid to take it. I had not heard this information before today.

They say it is a rare possible side effect and applies to persons with heart diseases....heard one physician say the do ekg's and so on before putting the patient on it.  And it is supervised treatment.


I was watching the Dr. Oz show today....I have watched a few lately and he is doing some good reporting/updating.  He had wonderful interviews today.  One was with a Dr. Jen Ashton who is on Good Morning America (I think that's where I have seen her...I don't watch that show much so could be wrong).  Dr. Ashton said her brother (who is also a physician) has covid 19 and he is now taking this medication.  I wish I could find the video of it but can't right now (tried LOL) as I remember she said he had it for about a week before going on the drug.  So I am thinking this must have some sound results at this point for her to share this today.  I doubt 2 doctors would just take something unproven as many like to say willy nilly.(only her brother on it)  Sure the FDA hasn't done the gold standard trails on it but they did approve it's use as many patients have taken the combo and gotten well.


In my neck of the woods at the local hospital a man who had been hospitalized for 4 days and wasn't getting better...not on ventilator but needs oxygen...the infectious disease doctor recommended he take it as all other standard of care had been used and it wasn't working for him.  So he took the combo and said only few days later he was much better.


He is home now and doing good.  So will it work for every single case of Covid 19? I doubt it....nothing seems to have a perfect track record.  But if it helps say 50% or more of people? I'll take it!  that's WAY better then just standard of care that isn't helping a patient.  Same with the other ones they are trying out....I hope those work too....people are all different and depending on what else is going on with a patient doctors need to have more options.



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@lianne  You are mistaken. I do not watch just one news outlet nor read just one publication. This information was published several places because it was and is true.

In this case, unfortunately, the truth set too many free to disregard the threat and to go forth and spread this virus far and wide.


This is no time for an agenda nor past blame. We need to try to convince our friends and family to stay home and try to help out where we can.


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It is really easy to look back at a situation that is so unique and had so many unknowns, rumors, and variables.  A new virus that spreads rapidly and begins in countries where documentation and information released is sketchy at best.


But easy as it might be, it does no good to finger point and accuse.  What would have any of us done?  Of the RIGHT thing of course. . . Woman Sad

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I'm sure his doctors will prescribe whatever treatments they think best for his case. So which of you who are adamaantly prescribing medications right now are actually doctors or nurses or even pharmacists? Do you have his charts to consult? His medical history?

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@Porcelain wrote:

I'm sure his doctors will prescribe whatever treatments they think best for his case. So which of you who are adamaantly prescribing medications right now are actually doctors or nurses or even pharmacists? Do you have his charts to consult? His medical history?

And I'll add that Dr. Oz and Dr. Jennifer Ashton don't have any of that information either. I don't understand why people bring up TV doctors in such a situation. And I'll include Dr. Sanjay Gupta in that, and any other TV doctor. 

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@JaneMarple wrote:

@Snoopp wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@esther22 wrote:

He needs lots of prayers AND  hydroxychloroquin  AND zithromax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These meds are still NOT PROVEN!


The FDA has approved hydroxychloroquin for treatment of the virus.

Approved but NOT proven!

Does that mean it should not be offered, or a person should not try it if it is their best shot?

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@Drythe  He’s fat?  Or thin?  What does he weigh and how do you know?  How tall is he?  Do you know that?

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@JaneMarple wrote:

I can't help feeling that the drug maker of Plaquanil is getting free advertising and its stock price improving. Since each and every day for the last week it has been mentioned. 


I take this drug and have not gotten sick from Covid-19 but I don't give the credit to the medicine either. 


It is generic, isn't it?  I also heard that doctors in other countries are using it as the first go-to treatment.  You understand the concept of suppressing a fatal immune system response, right?  Isn't rhematoid arthritis and lupus autoimmune conditions?


I don't know how anyone can be against this if a patient and their doctor decides to try it.