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@software wrote:

@KathyPet wrote:

There is something seriously wrong with a society that considers it acceptable to pay someone $170 million dollars over 4 years to throw a basketball through a hoop and then have the team that is involved Post glowing press releases about it like this is,something to be proud of. I am glad I am old and probably will not live long enough to see the downfall of a country that considers this sort of obscenity to be normal.  

If you are referring to Steph Curry at least he won't blow it on hookers or up his nose.   They are a wonderful family, well grounded.  



Your right SOFTWARE not all athletes throw their money away on drugs, hookers, or foolish materialistic things, so many give to communities, charities or have their own foundations that help people. The "bad apples" make up such a small percentage, but unfortunately they get all  the publicity.................

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I've always felt that people who put their lives on the line each day when they go to work....firefighters, police offices, soldiers....these are the people who should be the highest paid and the most respected.  Sadly it doesn't happen that way.

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@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

Sports also bring people together, yes there can be nasty rivalries but most people take it in the spirit that's intended. Here in the sports forum we have a baseball thread that's all women. We all get along great and have fun with our team rivalries. I am a Red Sox fan and @dmod nj is a Yankees fan. She's one of the nicest people to converse with in these forums. A real pleasure.


Whenever I have any issues/bad experiences here I go to that baseball thread and all's right with the world again.


My mother created my love for baseball. She grew up loving it and has great stories. We have bonded sharing that. Our last trip together, will probably be the last one we ever take, was to the Baseball Hall Of Fame in Cooperstown. That's a priceless memory for me.





And we all get along on the football threads too.....despite some of us being fans of  respective teams in the Division with the most heated rivalries, THE NFC EAST! Woman Very Happy


I am not a baseball fan, but when we were young kids our family made the trip to the Basehall Hall Of Fame in Cooperstown too..........sports does have a way of uniting families, on Thanksgiving after we eat we all gather around the TV to watch the 3PM CST game.......... .......

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@alicedee wrote:

I've always felt that people who put their lives on the line each day when they go to work....firefighters, police offices, soldiers....these are the people who should be the highest paid and the most respected.  Sadly it doesn't happen that way.

I felt that way about people who work in the non profit sector.  Someone told me one day it's not about the money.  It's about what the job stands for.  It's the Mission that should seek one to civil service or non profit work @alicedee.

*Call Tyrone*
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Re: Our twisted society

[ Edited ]

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@KathyPet @ULY


.What I find interesting is that the sports people are always spotlighted, however, little is said about actors and singers that make tons of money also, let's diss them just to be fair...........


  • Amitabh Bachchan – Net Worth: USD420 million. ...
  • Tom Cruise – Net worth: USD 480 million. ...
  • Tyler Perry – Net worth: $650 million. ...
  • Shah Rukh Khan – Net worth: USD650 million. ...
  • Jerry Seinfeld – Net worth: USD 820 million.
  • Madonna -800 Million.  Net worth USD 800 million
  • Mel Gibson $425 Million


  • Jack Nicholson $400 Million
  • Sylvester Stallon $400 Million
  • Mariah Carey $510 Million
  • Jay Z $560 Million
  • Bono $600 Million
  • Celine Dion $630 Million
  • P. Didy $700 Million
  • Dr. Dre $780 Million
  • Sir Paul McCartney 1.1 BILLION

@Spurt As of June 2017 Jay Z's networth is $810MM.  He follows Sean Combs "Diddy" $820MM.



Thanks for the update. My figures were on the low side (as of 2016) they made that much money in that little time ---WOW!!!

@Spurt yes much of their wealth is based on investments and diversification.  Those two media moguls/rappers know what they're doing.  Another heavy hitter from that genre of the entertainment world is Master P, but he doesn't seem to be making as much anymore.  Dr. Dre, of course got his through the sale of Beats by Dr. Dre to Apple.



They are smart with their money. Yep, Dr. Dre and he sold his "Beats" right here on QVC.....


Sadly some of the athletes end up broke either spending their money foolishly, or they find out too late their financial investor was a crook  (Tim Duncan took his guy to court and recently won a judgement and the guy got thrown in jail--but he lost millions- Tim realizes the guy will never be able to pay him back, but he wanted to send a message to the crooks (and warn other athletes) to be careful who they chose to handle their money...

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Re: Our twisted society

[ Edited ]

It's called CAPITALISM.


Smiley Happy


And I'm going to say this with the most friendly feelings possible:


If you think that's what going to be the downfall of our society, you aren't paying attention.

Smiley Happy

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@Spurt wrote:

@KathyPet @ULY


I am a sports fan.....we've had fantastic athletes like David Robinson who invested heavily in education and humanitarion projects......


.What I find interesting is that the sports people are always spotlighted, however, little is said about actors and singers that make tons of money also, let's diss them just to be fair...........


  • Amitabh Bachchan – Net Worth: USD420 million. ...
  • Tom Cruise – Net worth: USD 480 million. ...
  • Tyler Perry – Net worth: $650 million. ...
  • Shah Rukh Khan – Net worth: USD650 million. ...
  • Jerry Seinfeld – Net worth: USD 820 million.
  • Madonna -800 Million.  Net worth USD 800 million
  • Mel Gibson $425 Million


  • Jack Nicholson $400 Million
  • Sylvester Stallon $400 Million
  • Mariah Carey $510 Million
  • Jay Z $560 Million
  • Bono $600 Million
  • Celine Dion $630 Million
  • P. Didy $700 Million
  • Dr. Dre $780 Million
  • Sir Paul McCartney 1.1 BILLION


Is this about the overall wealth of a celebrity or what he/she is paid to do a job because it seems as if the two comparisions are not germane.


Clearly celebs (athletes, singers, actors) are paid amounts, IMO, which are laughable. Being objective though, I can watch (insert actor here) a film for a few dollars. Can I watch your average professional team for the same price as a movie ticket?


I'm in the minority in terms of men who do not care for sports in any shape or form. Believe me, I used to be younger and loved going to Yankee Stadium but greed taught me to view sports as somethin trivial and expemdable.

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@itiswhatitis wrote:

My understanding of the United States Economy has always been that it is a mixed ECONOMY.


Is the U.S. a Mixed Economy or a Market Economy?


The U.S. is clearly a mixed economy. The government controls or partially controls many goods or services, such as education, courts, roads, hospital care, and postal delivery. It also provides subsidies to agricultural producers, oil companies, financial companies, and utility firms. Private individuals cannot legally provide or purchase certain types of goods, such as cocaine, haggis, raw milk, Cuban cigars, and most types of flavored cigarettes. Other products face heavy taxation to discourage their use.


In the U.S., private businesses need to register with government agencies, and many types of professionals can only operate with government-approved licenses, including funeral attendants, auctioneers, private investigators, makeup artists, hair stylists, real estate agents, and financial advisers.


We have never been a pure "capitalist society" nor have we ever been a pure socialist society.  We have a mixture of both..

@itiswhatitis, hey, you saved me from having to answer your "I'll bit" reply to me. :-)


We always been a mix between government and private enterprise. And this is true even more so as our world becomes more and more complicated and diverse.


All in all, even though there is always a tug of war between the two, I can't think of a better system that would work on such a large scale.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@suzyQ3 wrote:

@itiswhatitis wrote:

My understanding of the United States Economy has always been that it is a mixed ECONOMY.


Is the U.S. a Mixed Economy or a Market Economy?


The U.S. is clearly a mixed economy. The government controls or partially controls many goods or services, such as education, courts, roads, hospital care, and postal delivery. It also provides subsidies to agricultural producers, oil companies, financial companies, and utility firms. Private individuals cannot legally provide or purchase certain types of goods, such as cocaine, haggis, raw milk, Cuban cigars, and most types of flavored cigarettes. Other products face heavy taxation to discourage their use.


In the U.S., private businesses need to register with government agencies, and many types of professionals can only operate with government-approved licenses, including funeral attendants, auctioneers, private investigators, makeup artists, hair stylists, real estate agents, and financial advisers.


We have never been a pure "capitalist society" nor have we ever been a pure socialist society.  We have a mixture of both..

@itiswhatitis, hey, you saved me from having to answer your "I'll bit" reply to me. :-)


We always been a mix between government and private enterprise. And this is true even more so as our world becomes more and more complicated and diverse.


All in all, even though there is always a tug of war between the two, I can't think of a better system that would work on such a large scale.

Yes @suzyQ3, when people use the term "Capitalism" here for discussion in America, they are speaking to only that one aspect of our economy that works in that fashion.  The capitlism aspect is what drives the topic of this discussion and it's proper to use that term.

*Call Tyrone*
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My involvement in this thread is limited to college sports and who gets what, money wise, from college sports.


I haven't commented and don't care about pro sports or even what kindd of economic system we have.


If you're curious, google college sports coach salaries.  I was surprised.  Of course, the top 68 (using basketball as a marker) are insane, but the other colleges aren't all that crazy.


Chances are, if you support a team that isn't in the television circuit, you can objecct (heartily) to the insane money profits these sports give certain people WITHOUT HURTING YOUR COLLEGE.