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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

Regardless of what happened ,the thought of what he suffered, and how he died, upsets me. I still feel pity for him and his parents



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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

[ Edited ]

Yes, that tape alleging Otto is the figure taking down the poster is extremely fuzzy and blurred.  The person could be anyone.


Was I one of those duped by an insane and cruel regime?  I hate to admit it, but maybe I was.  Nonetheless, I never blamed Otto for this if, in fact, he was the perpetrator.


A congeries of ugly circumstances came together to create this tragedy.  

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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

My heart goes out to them, and if they got 5 billion it would never take away the hurt Otto suffered and their suffering.




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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I cannot believe some are blaming not only Otto but his parents.


There is absolutely no proof that he stole that banner.  None.  The video is unclear as to who is removing that banner.


A tour is a tour.  Tours in NK happen without incident. 


This isn't about a "white rich kid" who thought he was above the NK law.  Shame on those who post such things.




Yes, it IS about a kid who thought he was above the law.  He not only was visible in videotape in various areas, but also admitted doing it.  Actions have consequences.   The parents suing confirms they don't think taking responsibility is something that applies to them, and their son paid for it.   

@Tinkrbl44  No.  Of course he admitted it-how many people admit to crimes they didn't commit out of fear?  Especially in a foreign country where you often do not have the ease of representation as you do here.


The parents were not responsible for Otto's actions.   He was, if indeed he did take that poster.  According to his roomie that poster was never seen with Otto at all.


The parents were not there; just because Otto went on that tour does not make them bad parents.  FTLOG


They won't receive a dime and we all know it.  They want better answers as to what happened to their son, and I don't blame them. Regardless of what they were told, parents in mourning are in a totally different mindset.


The lack of compassion and the constant blame put on Otto's parents and even on Otto, if he did take the poster, astounds me every time I see it.


Taking a poster does not merit death.   Period.


This family has been slammed because of what is perceived as "privilege" and nothing more. 



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

[ Edited ]

It sickens me to see it too @Cakers3. Regardless of what he did ,or didn't do, he was tortured and murdered.  His family wealth has nothing to do with it. He was treated worse than a murderer should be treated


I feel sick ,thinking about what they did to him

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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I cannot believe some are blaming not only Otto but his parents.


There is absolutely no proof that he stole that banner.  None.  The video is unclear as to who is removing that banner.


A tour is a tour.  Tours in NK happen without incident. 


This isn't about a "white rich kid" who thought he was above the NK law.  Shame on those who post such things.




Yes, it IS about a kid who thought he was above the law.  He not only was visible in videotape in various areas, but also admitted doing it.  Actions have consequences.   The parents suing confirms they don't think taking responsibility is something that applies to them, and their son paid for it.   

@Tinkrbl44 . Wow, are you kidding?  How do you know that he "stole " a poster"...because N Korea said so?  ...and the video is dark and blurry.  Again how do you know that it is Otto?  He admitted his crime?  Really?!!...he was tortured until he confessed!


I am amazed that you believe NK propaganda at face value.


I think his biggest crime is just going to a very hostile and dangerous place.

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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

i don't think any of us can definitively know what happened with Otto previous to his arrest because the video is hardly conclusive in so many ways. i am not in the habit of accepting NoKorea's pronouncements as truth as its abominable record precedes it. 


it was quite obvious he had been broken for the "trial" and "confession."  we know from medical exams conducted here upon his return that his condition bore out that  he endured unspeakable torture. 


i can only put myself in his parents' shoes having had to see all this unfold and having had  to know, process and accept what he was subjected to.  this would be hell on earth for any loving parent. i don't know how you make it leave your consciousness.


i have only compassion 

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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

@cherry wrote:

It sickens me to see it too @Cakers3. Regardless of what he did ,or didn't do, he was tortured and murdered.  His family wealth has nothing to do with it. He was treated worse than a murderer should be treated


I feel sick ,thinking about what they did to him

@cherry  Not to mention he was interrogated by the NK MILITARY, not your average police/detectives as we have in our country.  I can only imagine the tactics used to break him down.


I was horrified at the comments both public and private regarding Otto; how he "deserved" what he got.


We either have compassion for all who suffer death at the hands of those in authority or we have none at all.  We don't get to pick and choose who "deserves" it.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

@haddon9 wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I cannot believe some are blaming not only Otto but his parents.


There is absolutely no proof that he stole that banner.  None.  The video is unclear as to who is removing that banner.


A tour is a tour.  Tours in NK happen without incident. 


This isn't about a "white rich kid" who thought he was above the NK law.  Shame on those who post such things.




Yes, it IS about a kid who thought he was above the law.  He not only was visible in videotape in various areas, but also admitted doing it.  Actions have consequences.   The parents suing confirms they don't think taking responsibility is something that applies to them, and their son paid for it.   

@Tinkrbl44 . Wow, are you kidding?  How do you know that he "stole " a poster"...because N Korea said so?  ...and the video is dark and blurry.  Again how do you know that it is Otto?  He admitted his crime?  Really?!!...he was tortured until he confessed!


I am amazed that you believe NK propaganda at face value.


I think his biggest crime is just going to a very hostile and dangerous place.




Were you there?  You seem to be so very sure you know exactly what happened, and that everyone else is believing NK propaganda.  How do you come up with this stuff?


I read the same U.S. network news reports that everyone did ... not NK "propaganda" news reports.   


How are you so sure he was tortured?  Everyone thinks it was decided based on that little piece of footage, but there are cameras everywhere in that country, and I'm sure he was filmed  on many cameras, and matching his clothes to that of the thief's clothing probably wasn't all that hard.


BTW .... none of his friends on that trip denied his stealing that poster.  Do you believe that NK somehow influenced them after they returned home?


I feel sorry for what happened to that family, but to even imply they were completely blameless is ridiculous.  I don't buy it, and, yes, Americans should think twice before going to any hostile and dangerous place.   IMO, that's just common sense.

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Re: Otto Warmbier's Family Seeking 1B in Restitution from North Korea

It breaks my heart to see the picture of that young man lying in a vegetative state with his mother sitting by his bedside. I can't believe anyone would think he deserved the treatment he recieved from NK over a stupid poster. Think how you would feel if this was your son.


Some people are truly heartless!