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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

I read that, I'm really not surprised.  Oprah isn't the Pied Piper for women anymore; we will not follow wherever she chooses to lead us.  And helloooooo......a fat woman who has struggled with her weight for decades is not the going to convince anyone to join an weight loss program.....not until she's LOST a whole bunch of   In the latest commercial, Oprah claims she lost 26lbs.  That's about a million buck a pound......well....she can afford it. 

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@JJsMom wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@JJsMom wrote:

I think WW has been hurting because of all the free fitness/diet tracking apps out there. Why would you pay for WW when you can use a free app like MyFitnessPal to track your calorie intake? A point system seems much more complicated that just counting calories. I guess WW does have a support group, which some may find helpful.

WW doesn't subscribe to the fact that all calories are equal.  Calories from a candy bar are not the same as calories from say fruit so just counting calories, according to that plan, isn't the way to eat healthy.  But I do agree there are too many freebie programs out there.  


I actually find counting calories to be more of a pain than counting points. With calorie counting, you have to enter absolutely everything you eat from lettuce to fruits to meats, etc.  At least with points, fruits and veggies are free.  I found it to be a complete PITA to enter everything I put in a salad.


But WW rolled out this new program too quickly and IMO they just weren't ready.  Things are a mess and people are frustrated with it.    

All calories are the same in terms of gaining weight. If you eat more than you burn, you will gain weight. It doesn't matter what it is. Now if you want to argue certain foods are more healthful, then I do agree with that.


You can rack up hundreds of calories eating fruit. I don't get why that would be "free."


Counting calories makes more sense for losing weight and is much more straightforward.



Hi JJsMom Smiley Happy


I've always heard that, also, but WW is saying it's not true.  I don't know...


Re: fruit, I have read that the high fiber somehow cancels out part of the sugar contained and that's why WW can call a moderate or light amount "Free."


It's been a couple of years since the studies came out so I don't know about peer review.

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@chickenbutt wrote:

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

For whomever asked about Oprah owning WW (couldn't tell as it looked like maybe it was two people in one quoting box - or not?) - 


Oprah does not own WW.  She owns a very small percentage of shares.   I think it was like 2% but somebody please correct me if I am wrong and you have factual info.  Smiley Happy

It's 10% CB according to the article I posted the link to.  Smiley Happy


Hi LD!  Thank You for correcting me.  I should have either looked it up or read your article instead of depending on my memory.  I remembered it being a pretty small number and, for some reason, 2% got stuck in my head.  D'oh!

No problem.  I didn't know what the percentage was until I happened to read it in the article I posted the link to.  I wasn't going to look it up either.  LOL  

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@millieshops wrote:

OK-  I just went to read the financial news instead of believing Wendy.  You all who are gloating about Oprah might not even want to go look.


Someone on Wendy's staff needs to read more than headlines!



Did you see Wendy Williams?  I didn't see the show but it's hard to tell just from what was contained in the OP exactly what Wendy's take on all this was.  Maybe Wendy did in fact state that even though Oprah lost $27m, she's still money ahead.  Maybe the OP left that out.

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

This should relate to the Free fruit and veg:


"Consuming the recommended 21 to 38 grams of fiber per day may help lower your risk for high cholesterol, constipation, heart disease, hemorrhoids, Type 2 diabetes and diverticulosis. Dietary fiber doesn't make you gain weight, but it may help you lose weight as long as you follow a reduced-calorie diet.



Dietary fiber makes your food more bulky without adding calories, making food high in fiber less energy dense. This means you can eat a greater volume of food while consuming fewer calories. Soluble fiber also slows down the emptying of your stomach so you feel full for a longer and eat less throughout the day."

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

IMO weight watchers doesn't need any celebrity.

I joined w.w. a few years ago lost 52lbs I've maintained it. did it without a celebrity as a role model. It's a great program that's teaches life style change Smiley Wink 


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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

I don't care for the changes WW made to their program about three months ago.  I think it was a big mistake since the old point system worked so well.  The change coincidentally occurred around the time Oprah jumped on board.


I think the point system is better than calorie counting.  

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@dex wrote:

she scared me with her "I love bread and I can eat bread everyday "ad...I don't know what it is about that ad but it makes me uncomfortable.


      OMG!  That commercial makes me  When it comes on, I cannot get to the remote to hit that mute button fast  

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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@LipstickdivaSorry, you're right.  I virtually never watch Wendy -  she is  just not for me, but I did accept OP's statement as to what she heard on the show and I should not have.


I did my research by Googling Oprah - not by looking at a rerun of Wendy's show.











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Re: Oprah loses $27 million in WW shares

@Renna wrote:

IMO weight watchers doesn't need any celebrity.

I joined w.w. a few years ago lost 52lbs I've maintained it. did it without a celebrity as a role model. It's a great program that's teaches life style change Smiley Wink 



       Unfortunately it's losing money like crazy and it's not attracting new customers.  It's dying company.  I think it needed Oprah's money more than it needed her star power.  Neither one helped WW much.