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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@SahmIam wrote:

@mspatmac wrote:

The dictionary defination:  A view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.


Opinions are just what one thinks, nothing more.  Just start a thread on certain clothing lines on here and you'll see opinions all over the place, who is right and who is wrong? Neither, just an opinion, and everyone has them.



@mspatmac Agree. So the question then becomes why delete ONLY negative feedback? Why ask for opinions in the first place if you only want to hear one side?

We see it daily here.  You get asked for an opinion and if it doesn't agree with what the OP wants to hear you are chastised, made to feel stupid for not getting the point (which might have been stated after you posted), etc. etc.


I recently posted a personal experience when asked for an opinion, then was told how my experience wasn't what they wanted to hear!  Go figure!  LOL!!!

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

From what I see and hear, not "kissing tush" can lead to big problems when it comes to social media.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

I certainly understand that @Sooner 

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

If her goal is to gain followers, she should leave the negative ones; they're usually the most interesting and will get their own negative replies.


Sort of OT, I came upon a discussion in an Irish paper about a building on the Leffy river in Ireland. The negative responses were witty, well written, and delightful. So good, that I had to read them twice.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

Sometimes people know that their "truth" really isn't truth.  They are looking for validation for their feelings, be those feeling "right" or "wrong".


I think it is a little harsh to say one shouldn't ask if one cannot handle the answer.

There is no "Should" here; and let's remember the person giving the opinion isn't always the most perceptive person, either.


Opinion can certainly be formed by one's own perceptions and truths and therefore can have a biased slant in of themselves.  It doesn't alway mean it is "truth" vs. "not truth".


It isn't always easy to see things in a different light and I submit that there are no persons who are always on target with their perceptions and personal truths.


As far as truth or kissing tush, it all depends upon the situation. 


It isn't about being "right" and giving "truth", either.  It's how it is presented.

You can see the person's question and answer with an opposing pov without denigrating how that person feels.





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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@Sooner wrote:

You can be kind or be a jerk when asked for an opinion.  It is totally YOUR choice.   It isn't a matter of truth or lie. 

Yes, and it's good to remember, it's just your opinion, it is not a universal " truth " written in stone. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@SahmIam - IMO, I believe most of the YouTube posters only want to hear positive comments. This, in their minds, keeps them popular and more relevant.


Are the negative replies about the product(s) or about her talking about them/demonstrating them? If its the latter, she doesn't want to see feedback about herself (granted some people are just plain mean).


Regarding your last paragraph, Yes, if you are in the public eye you better grow some tough skin because you open yourself up to a whole world of things - nice or not.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@SahmIam wrote:

@Porcelain Cesspool is exactly what troll behavior has created on YouTube; absolutely. 


But I'm not talking about the obvious snark, rude/crude language that happens because people are able to hide behind their keyboard. I'm talking about "Hey Porcelain, what do you think of this XYZ? I'm not sure if I should keep it but it was expensive and it's a hot item right now. It's all over Instagram!" and you reply with "I really don't like it. It's kinda, well, ugly".


And that I get ticked off and tell you to F off. Or block you. I asked you for your opinion but didn't like what you said and I got angry.


That's more of what I'm talking about (be it online or in person).

Knowing that the person didn't really want an honest answer, I'd just not answer it. I'd answer with a question, "Well, what do you think your viewers want to see?"


I mean this respecftfully, especially since I think we are closer in age range than we are with this Youtuber gal--but I don't think you/we are necessarily her target audience. She likely wants to reach other people her age. So even though I am sure you have a sharp sense of style, your honest opinion on the matter wouldn't really help her do what she's trying to do anyway. I do not mean that in an offensive way, so I hope I didn't offend with that opinion...Woman Embarassed


Also, with time, she will toughen up and tighten up on her own.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

I think gushy positive responses are what people, especially middle-aged women like the YouTuber being discussed, routinely give and expect to get. It's the norm, part of the code. (If you want to see the culture in full throttle, immerse yourself in etsy.) I have no idea how they get valid, helpful feedback that can help them shape their future content and style--something you'd think they'd appreciate if they're using YouTube as a revenue generator--but I suspect they don't want it. I think they need the atta-girls and that's what it's all about.


That means it's a waste of time for the person posting and hurtful to the YouTuber expecting accolades and nothing but accolades to post anything but accolades. I generally avoid such content because it's a huge time sink with low-quality payoff in terms of information I can use, and it's rarely entertaining enough to offset its deficits. I have to see three Kitten Lady videos back to back just to feel better, so it's a double waste of time for me. But boy, have I learned a lot about taking care of baby cats.


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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

[ Edited ]

@SahmIam wrote:

@Porcelain Cesspool is exactly what troll behavior has created on YouTube; absolutely. 


But I'm not talking about the obvious snark, rude/crude language that happens because people are able to hide behind their keyboard. I'm talking about "Hey Porcelain, what do you think of this XYZ? I'm not sure if I should keep it but it was expensive and it's a hot item right now. It's all over Instagram!" and you reply with "I really don't like it. It's kinda, well, ugly".


And that I get ticked off and tell you to F off. Or block you. I asked you for your opinion but didn't like what you said and I got angry.


That's more of what I'm talking about (be it online or in person).

The YouTuber daughter is not just having a hard time taking realistic, and not mean spirited criticism on YouTube; she is also having trouble taking this from her own family members. She is having trouble believing what family members tell her. She isn’t a teen that thinks grown ups just are clueless about all the things that they like either. She could be acting in this way because she’s been influenced by the YouTube sub culture or she could have a genuine psychological problem.