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Found on twitter.  Don't know where it is, but it opened today.



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Lots of places have opened up.  It have been on the news.

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Re: Opened up a mall

[ Edited ]



WOW!!!!  Well at least they are wearing masks....but certainly NOT practicing safe distancing....I'll pass....

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If I had any idea of going to a mall and saw that crowd of people, masks or no masks, I would have turned around and gone right on home.

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Me too.  I feel like they're just asking for trouble. 

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They opened up some of the outdoor malls in my state (AZ) but left the air conditioned indoor malls closed. Go figure. Not to many people shopping outside in 100 degree weather. 

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no malls opened here......still on stay at home orders in maryland.

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@Meowingkitty wrote:

They opened up some of the outdoor malls in my state (AZ) but left the air conditioned indoor malls closed. Go figure. Not to many people shopping outside in 100 degree weather. 

It's harder to catch COVID-19 outdoors.


And you may want to read about this case in China, where they traced the people in a restaurant and the people who got it were in the line of the infected person and the air conditioning vent. The people outside of the vent trajectory didn't get it.


But they've also found that you have an increased chance of getting it when there's little air circulation, so if they leave the AC off and the inside gets hot and stuff, everyone is going to be miserable, irritable, and exposed.


I don't know what the right answer is in terms of being inside, but for me the best answer is not being inside anywhere that isn't my own home until someone can figure it out.

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How about on Mother's Day in COLORADO 


COLORADO mothers day 1.png


COLORADO coffee shop .png

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Amsterdam has a GREAT set up // So cute...outdoor green houses....cozy/safe....dining. (imo anyway)


SAFE Amsterdam .png

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