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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

There used to be a guy who lived in my neighborhood who walked a couple dogs, a Doberman and a German Shepherd.  Beautiful dogs.  The guy was one tough looking guy.  Not over the top showy tough, but he was tough, you could see it in his arms and in his face.  For awhile he'd walk them along with a girl who I assumed was his wife or girlfriend.  I'd say "hi" when they passed, but they never seemed open to anything else and that was O.K. with me.  I just admired the dogs.


After awhile I didn't see the girlfriend with him anymore, just him and the dogs.  Soon he started walking 3 dogs, the doberman, the german shepherd and a pit bull.   All beautiful dogs, but I did really start to wonder about this guy. 


I don't see them anymore.  I wonder if he had to move on.


I love dogs.  I have friends who have pit bulls, lovely dogs.  A friend grew up with them, had them all of her growing up years.  She still speaks very fondly of those dogs.  I don't know how I'd feel about having one, just as I'm not sure how I'd feel having a Doberman or a German Shepherd, especially if I didn't know where they'd been before.  And I don't like feeling that way.  I had a sweet Pit Bull lick my entire face a few weeks ago when I saw her with her owner outside a local market.  Lovely dog.


The only time I've been attacked was by a cat.  And it was a vicious attack.  Happened twice.  I couldn't even believe what he did to me the first time.  I thought it would never happen again.  And then it did.  I looked like I'd been beaten up and slashed.  Which is pretty much what happened.  The doctor was horrified, my vet was very concerned as well as horrified.  And I grew up with cats, all of them wonderful, none of them ever came at me like they were intent on killing me.  I am still trying to get over the fear of them.  It surprises me how I am afraid.


It makes me sad.



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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

Story 1   A boy in my class (middle school) was attacked by his own Pit Bull.  He came to class with scars. He refused to allow his parents to get rid of his dog because he said he might have caused him to reaction and did not want him to have to die. 


I tried to find out the outcome but no one was talking.  


Story  2   My daughter rescues dogs.  One of her dogs (kennel was goint to eliminate it) sits on my lap and is sweet and loving.  It is a pitbull.  


Not sure what to believe.  I do know they have a strong jaw and if angered they could be  harmful.  But I do believe it was a French Poodle that took after me and tried to take a piece out of me when I was a child visiting a friend of my mothers.  This lady had no kids and I was not really all that welcome.  The dog reflected her attitude.


And stopping at a rest stop about a year ago... I was walking my long haired golden chihuahua, my sweet friendly kind chihuahua.  She noticed a man with two large German Shepherds and literally lunched forward and attempted to attack them.  Dogs backed up, as did the owner.  I had never seen her teeth poised like that nor have I ever heard her growl even now.  

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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

Pits are no longer a viscious dog breed here and you no longer have to have a $1m insurance policy to have them.


Recently there was a photo of someone on FB who had very obvioulsy been attached by someone or something.  Turns out it was a St. Bernard that had attacked her.


According to that law in Montreal, my dog, a boxer, would be a problem.   

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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@sophiamarie wrote:

How foolish to compare a Yorkie, Poodle, or whatever.  Pit Bulls, when their jaws grab on to you, they will not let go until they kill.  Why is that so hard to comprehend.  It's called "genetic memory" - it's really in their DNA.  I'll take a Yorkie biting on my ankle any day of the week.


Pit Bulls are banned in Miami, Fl - I'm sure there is a good reason for it.

Not true, yet why bother to try and explain.  Knowledge is power.



So, let us know when you acquire that knowledge.

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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

Many insurance companies now require a report if a client owns a pit bull...they will cancel the insurance coverage. I hate that all pit bulls are thought of as dangerous...but do understand both sides.


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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

@croemer wrote:

Many insurance companies now require a report if a client owns a pit bull...they will cancel the insurance coverage. I hate that all pit bulls are thought of as dangerous...but do understand both sides.


How do insurance companies know if you own a pit bull?  I don't remember ever being asked that question.  I don't own one and have had my insurance forever, but don't remember a question like that.  Is it just certain states that want to know?

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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

@croemer wrote:

Many insurance companies now require a report if a client owns a pit bull...they will cancel the insurance coverage. I hate that all pit bulls are thought of as dangerous...but do understand both sides.



my daughter and her boyfriend own a pitbull that they rescued off of the streets. he was in sad condition. their insurance agent knows that they have a pitbull but they have not been required to file any "report" about him.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

If you have a claim for lets say a roof and the agent notices a pit bull in some states it is a requirement that they make a report of it. 


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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

[ Edited ]

Home Insurance Cancelled Because Of Your Pit Bull?

california dog liability insurance

If your home insurance is being cancelled or dropped because of your Pit Bull (or any other breed) we can help.

Einhorn Insurance helps responsible dog owners with home, condo, renters and liability insurance to include coverage for their Pit Bull.*


Even if you Pit Bull has been declared as dangerous or potentially dangerous, we can help.  We can also assist you with home, condo or renters insurance if your dog has a bite history or if you’ve had a dog bite claim.


As Pit Bull owners and avid Pit Bull Rescue supporters, we couldn’t imagine having to part with our extremely loved Pit Bull Bernice.  We understand that it’s not always the dog that is “bad.” Sometimes dogs just get into bad situations.


Insurance companies have an EXCLUSION section in their policy and most companies will have a list of “dangerous” or “blacklisted” dogs they don’t cover.  If you own one of these dogs, the insurance carrier will either drop you or exclude coverage for your “dangerous” dog.  Keep in mind, your dog doesn’t have to be “dangerous” to earn this title.  Just because your dog is a certain breed, insurance companies automatically label them as “dangerous.”


Additionally, don’t assume your home insurance policy covers your dogs just because you’ve been with them for years. dog liability insurance


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Re: Ontario Banning Pit Bulls

[ Edited ]

Unless you're very lucky, your choice of pet will have a substantial bearing on the cost of your homeowner's insurance policy. Due to the statistical likelihood of an attack on a guest or other visitor to your property, your insurance provider is likely to increase your policy's premiums in response to the presence of certain "aggressive" breeds of canine. Even if your dog is well-trained, it may cost you hundreds of extra dollars per year. After all, your insurance company's claims adjusters have probably heard plenty of excuses for "well-trained" dogs over the years.

Dog breeds that are generally acknowledged to represent an insurance liability include pit bulls, chau chaus, rottweilers, wolf hybrids and coyote hybrids. Certain insurance companies may list other breeds as liabilities as well. In most cases, homeowner's insurance providers simply won't issue homeowner's insurance policies that include liability protection for pit bull bites.

In order to obtain insurance on your property, you'll probably need to sign a waiver that limits your insurer's liability for such incidents. If your pit bull attacks and injures one of your guests, you'll need to cover his or her medical costs out of your own pocket. You may also need to defend yourself against an expensive lawsuit. Regardless of whether you've signed the waiver, you'll still need to add an umbrella policy or dangerous-animal rider to your existing policy.

If you purchase a pit bull after obtaining your insurance policy, you'll need to inform your insurance provider immediately. Most insurance companies will require you to sign a liability waiver and take out a dangerous-animal rider on the spot. If you fail to inform your insurance provider of the presence of your new pet, it's likely that your policy will be voided without delay.

Law Dictionary: How Will Owning a Pit Bull Affect My Homeowner's Insurance Rates?


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