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On 1/15/2015 newziesuzie said:

I think some people confuse being against capital punishment with feeling sympathy for evil criminals. I'm still against the death penalty but despise the criminals.Smiley Sad

Nope, I don't confuse them at all. I would like to see them not happen because they are very pricey, we can kill an innocent person and it doesn't deter crime at all. Having said all of that, this one was already on the books and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

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I read what this monster did to an 11 month old baby girl and if there was ever a man that deserved to be put to death, he's the one IMO!!

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The baby's Mother didn't want him to die. She is a much nicer person than I would be.

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On 1/15/2015 nunya said:

The baby's Mother didn't want him to die. She is a much nicer person than I would be.

Yeah, I know. I have a 6 month old grandson and if this happened to him, I would have bailed him out of jail so I could torture him in a secluded location for days and days.

I cry when I think of someone doing this to a little innocent baby. How is this even done?

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
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I am really surprised they did the injection against the family's wishes. They generally only go after the death penalty if that is what the family of the victim wants. I am against the death penalty about 98% of the time! but this is one case where I'm really torn. This man was an absolute MONSTER. Anyone who does what he did is disgusting and worse than an animal.
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On 1/15/2015 FUTURE said: I am really surprised they did the injection against the family's wishes. They generally only go after the death penalty if that is what the family of the victim wants. I am against the death penalty about 98% of the time! but this is one case where I'm really torn. This man was an absolute MONSTER. Anyone who does what he did is disgusting and worse than an animal.

Its a hard issue. Because there ARE monsters who are pure evil.

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GOOD riddance to the horrible monster! Poor little girl.

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I'm for capital punishment. It's not used enough. Too many appeals...especially when you know someone is guilty without a doubt.

I agree with all the appeals ""if"" and ""only if"" there is question.

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Good for Oklahoma. I'm all for the death penalty. I wish every state had capital punishment in these extreme cases. I'm for a slow and painful death for these monsters. Why should we worry that they have an easy death? I'm against the lengthy drawn out costly appeals. The way they drag on and the money that is wasted is absurd.

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I support Capital punishment.

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