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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

I don't eat by a clock.  I usually wait until I'm hungry.  I try to listen to my body.  

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

I do a mix of both. I work out every morning at a specific time, so I make sure I eat breakfast at a certain time before the workout. If I don't, I won't make it thru the workout. Lunch and dinner are pretty much whenever I get around to it. If I eat lunch late, I often skip dinner if I 'm not nungry. 

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

DH loves to walk in the woods and play in his basement "man cave".  He owns a computer business (Microsoft calls him with their problems, LOL!), and often he eats lunch late.  That presents a dinner problem as you can imagine.


The only way I could keep us from eating at 9pm was to set a dinner time which is 7:30.  That way he can have his time and there's time to grill or whatever.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

When the kids were young we had a schedule and routine, now we do what and when we want, love,

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

I eat when I am hungry even while at work.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Don't really intend to eat by the clock, but seems I mostly do.  Breakfast for me is a bowl of cereal when I get up.  Might be 8 a.m. or 10:30 a.m.  Need to take meds with food.  DH is opposite of me.  Gets up at 5 a.m. has toast or cereal and meets friends for coffee at 6 a.m.  Therefore he is ready for lunch by 11:30.  I ususally want lunch by 1:30 or 2 p.m.  We rarely eat lunch at home and since we want lunch at different times and have very different food and restaurant preferences, we each go our on way for lunch.  Most days we have dinner at home usually around 6 p.m. as we are both hungry then.  My issue is I snack too much during the day.  Not hunger, just habit and I need to quit that.  Exception is Sunday, we always go out to eat and usually have lunch/dinner combo sometime during the afternoon, depending on what is happening that day. 

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Since I was a teen and became insulin dependent I have had to live a very regimented life when it comes to when I eat. I eat on schedule and rarely deviate. My dream come true would to be able to be spontaneous when it came to food....probably won't happen, though, in my lifetime.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

I definitely do not eat by the clock, my husband on the other hand does. Not necessarily at a certain time everyday, but he eats breakfast, eats a small snack 2 hours later...then eats lunch 3 hours later, snack 2 hours later...and so on throughout the day. Drives me nuts bc I have to ask daily, "What time does dinner need to be ready today?" bc it all depends on his hourly schedule that daySmiley LOL

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

To some extent, yes.  Midday meal varies.  At work, it's between 11-12.  Non workdays, it's between 11 - 3.  Depends what's going on.  Breakfast is when I get up and dinner around 7.

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Re: Not counting days at work, but days at home, do you eat meals by the clock?

Yes.  I don't work but breakfast is around 7 am, lunch between 11:30 and noon and dinner between 6 and 6:30.  I like the structure.  If I ate when I was hungry, I'd be eating all the time--LOL!!!