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We dont wear shoes in the house ever.  I have shoe cubbies in the garage and the mud room.  Everyone take their shoes off there.   I don't want to track outside things into my house.  I have wood floors, but I want all that dirt and grime, not to mention germs in the house.


I don't understand the comment about seeing your doctor.

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I dom't require guests to remove their shoes, but most do as a courtesy.  Most people wash their hands when they come over out of common sense.

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Re: No Shoes in the House

[ Edited ]

When we installed hardwood floors in our home it was recommended not to wear outside shoes on them.  Little pieces of gravel and dirt can scuff and wear down the finish.  I read that wearing outside shoes on hardwood floors is the quickest way to ruin them.  It's amazing how much dirt gets tracked inside from shoes (nothing to do with germs). 


I bought a shoe rack and placed it in our entryway along with a small bench where we could sit to change our shoes.  We each had a pair of Crocs for inside use only and left them by the door when we changed into our outside shoes.  When returned home we took off our outside shoes and switched to our inside Crocs.  I also kept a box of disposable shoe covers by the front door for contractors and guests. 

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@occasionalrain wrote:

@On It wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

I don't remove shoes.  My carpets are steam cleaned and my kitchen and bath floors mopped with lysol in the water.

COVID travels through the air, not on the ground.


Why don't you call your doctor and see if shoe removal is necessary.

I am not doing this for COVID. Floors in grocery stores, sidewalks, big box stores, doctor's offices are teeming with germs. I have just decided to be more vigilant about tracking anything into my home. 

Then you'll need to remove your pants too.

Probably better leave that PURSE in the garage as well.  That's about as nasty as things get on the bottom of it.


If you want to isolate yourself from germs, you'll have to stay in the house.  And not invite people in either.  Unless you have a medical issue, I see no point in worrying about it.  

Occasional Contributor
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We were raised to always remove our shoes upon entering our house or anyone else's house.   Maybe it was because we lived in a rural area and we were always outside playing.  
There was a bench by the door to sit on to remove shoes.  Then we took them to our bedroom closet for storage.  Always had a pair of house shoes or clean tennis shoes  in the basket by the bench to put on.  We did this to try to keep the floors  and throw rugs cleaner and reduce some work for our mom.  We never asked company to remove their shoes.  

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No suggestions since I usually am barefoot at home but only because it's more comfortable.  When I take my shoes off anywhere, there is a good chance that one of my feet will swell too much to get them back in.  I would never require guests to remove their shoes and would not go to anyone's home where I had to.  I would sooner have shoes than anyone's sweaty feet on my floors.  Better to inconvenience myself by cleaning floors and carpets than make  invited guests uncomfortable or  I would just not invite anyone if I were so OCD about it!!

I once went to a sales party at one of my coworker's mother's home and while we did not have to remove our soes she made everyone scrub their hands befire eating!  

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@Meowingkitty wrote:

The only time I wear shoes in the house is if I'm expecting someone to come over. I'm usually barefoot in the house unless it's winter, then I will wear my Uggs. Otherwise I just leave them either upstairs or downstairs for the next time I go out and about which is usually about every day. I don't worry about germs on my shoes. I certainly don't wash my floors everyday. I have better things to think about.

Loved "I wear my Uggs"

I do too! Heart

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No shoes in my house.  Banned them when the babies were little and the hardwood was newly refinished.


They track in a lot of grit.


I have bench/shoe shelves in front and back.  Be aware that some need to sit to put on shoes.



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While shoes may be dirty, feet sweat, skin sheads, and people have fungus and various bacteria on their feet. Floors get dirty, it is just the way it is.

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Re: No Shoes in the House

[ Edited ]

No shoes in my house period unless we have guests which is very seldom. My family knows the no shoes rule because my kids were raised with it. I extend the same courtesy to them when visiting their homes. My MIL was the one who taught me about keeping a clean house; I had never heard of removing shoes until I married her son. Her home was immaculate. I wasn't raised with the no shoes fact, my dad would yell at us kids if we were running around the house in socks; he always made us wear shoes. My white ceramic tile and hardwood floors stay clean much longer minus shoes, especially that darn white grout. Shoes are very hard on carpeting, especially plush carpets. We wear socks, slippers, or house Crocs.