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Re: New scam to be on guard for

Honestly that is just being stupid, not a scam.

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

That is so scary to let a complete stranger in your home.  He could have raped her or killed her or both.  Drug addicts will do anything to get their drugs.  Thank God she is okay but hopefully she has learned a lesson.  I live in an apt. building and there are some really dumb people who buzz in anyone.  Thank goodness I live far from the entrance door (there are 3 floors).  I would not open to anyone I did not know.  Only UPS and the mailman.

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

@Coquille wrote:

It doesn't have to be a stranger to take something from the medicine cabinet. It could easily be a workman who you have hired and he asks to use the bathroom. Then when you go to check for something, you realize it's gone. This has not happened to me but it has happened to my neighbor.




ITA ......  It doesn't have to be a stranger that tbinetkes something from the medicine cabinet ... it could be a family member, friend, your babysitter, neighbor .... whatever.



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Re: New scam to be on guard for

@depglass wrote:

I live in a rural area with many small towns.  A woman in a class I take was telling us this story about her neighbor.  She let some guy in to use her bahroom, a complete stranger.  Later that day she noticed some of her prescription medications were missing from the medine cabinet, painkillers, no doubt.  First of all, I can't imagine letting a stranger into my house, much less letting them use the bathroom.  And second, you shouldn't leave meds in the bathroom anyway because of the moisture.   



There are two distinct points here, from my POV ...


First, letting in a stranger .... this isn't a "new scam" ... it's the oldest trick in the book!


Secondly, do people really still leave important medications in the bathroom?  If so, WHY?   They can be weakened by bathroom moisture, spill down the sink, be stolen by who knows who.    People tend to snoop in medicine cabinets, so I wouldn't leave anything important or personal in them.


I keep my meds in a little box in my bedroom .... never in the bathroom!   JMO

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

@Tinkrbl44 Aboslutely. I would think everyone would know that but maybe not. I'm somewhat of a synic when it comes to certain things. There are certain times when one has to be careful with a lot of things. Drugs, money, jewelry, etc.. Times have changed.

Unfortunately, I feel one can't be so trusting anymore. It's sad but I think true.

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

[ Edited ]

Never thought about a worker asking to use the bathroom. Maybe we should have locks on our medicine cabinets.

As for letting a stranger in, I've seen a TV crime show that had a young man pretending to need water or something for his diabetes. He was "scouting" for a victim to murder. That's scary.


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Re: New scam to be on guard for

I wouldn't let a stranger in to use my bathroom and I don't store prescription medication in the bathroom. So we're safe here. 👻

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Anyone who would let a complete stranger in their home for any reason man or woman is a complete IDIOT.  Not these days, no matter where you live. 


My UPS route driver is a woman. I really don’t know her personally but I recognize her as she is on my street or at my house pretty often. I have let her use the bathroom in my house and it’s only been a couple of times, but I’ve not been harmed or had anything taken. She knows she can ring my bell if she needs to get comfort. It might be harder for her to find a place or a way to get relieved than men drivers. They’re not invited! 


I once drove a small truck for local deliveries and it was godawful to find a clean restroom for ordinary needs, and even less fun if it was that time of the month.  The men had solutions that didn’t work for me anatomically. 


But if some bozo was in front of my door, especially any man I didn’t know, I’d be crazy to let him in for any reason. It’s  a judgment call to determine risk versus accommodating kindness. Common sense is enough to know the difference. 

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

Luckily I have a guest bathroom which does not contain anything but cosmetics and such.


I have never heard until now about not leaving rx drugs in my bathroom.   I will check my pharmacy labels to see if there is a warning about this.  If not, there should be.  Interesting thing about this is that medicine cabinets have been in bathrooms forever.


I would think that architects should have come up with an alternate location years ago, specifically for this purpose.


Anyhow, thanks for information.

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Re: New scam to be on guard for

She's lucky she's still alive.  What a mind-boggling fool