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@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

I have noticed that the Kardashian sisters have very long nails.  They have very young children, some still in diapers, don't know how they mange with nails like that, kind of dangerous around the little ones.

@Lindsays Grandma  I'm telling my age here, but I used cloth diapers and safety pins with my children.  I cannot even imagine the damage I would have done to their soft, baby skin with nails like that!

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@Georgiagrama wrote:


@Anonymous032819 wrote:

I have seen young women with the pointy nails, and all I can think is that everything old, is new again,


Pointy nails were popular in the 80's, I think.

@Anonymous032819  How in the world would you use these nails if you worked in an office?  Or just daily chores?  Kourtney K. reached up to scratch her eye the other night and I thought, Oh my Lord, that child is going to put her eye out! Smiley LOL

@Georgiagrama ...Have you seen Khole's nails?  Dangerously long, especially around her little girl.

The moving finger writes; And having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line Nor all your Tears Wash out a Word of it. Omar Khayam
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@Lindsays Grandma wrote:

@Georgiagrama wrote:


@Anonymous032819 wrote:

I have seen young women with the pointy nails, and all I can think is that everything old, is new again,


Pointy nails were popular in the 80's, I think.

@Anonymous032819  How in the world would you use these nails if you worked in an office?  Or just daily chores?  Kourtney K. reached up to scratch her eye the other night and I thought, Oh my Lord, that child is going to put her eye out! Smiley LOL

@Georgiagrama ...Have you seen Khole's nails?  Dangerously long, especially around her little girl.

@Lindsays Grandma  I cannot imagine even trying to put on my make up with nails like that, must let alone care for a child.  I guess it's all in what you are used to. 

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I wonder if those are real nails or are they fake nails?  Not a fan of the pointy look but it is a beautiful manicure, I like the color and the designs and the polish and shine.


If those are real nails they must be very strong to survive being clipped and filed like that.  Good for picking food bits out of your teeth but probably not much else.

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I remember it as short lasting fad in the mid 60's.  File them to a point!  Ugly to me now.  But I remember trying, but my nails then, like now, never grow long enough for anything

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@Lindsays Grandma 


Do you think those Kardashian's change diapers???? I doubt it!


Yes, I've seen those nails on many people.  I was having my manicure and this woman was directing the tech she wanted them "long & pointy".  Hmm can't find anything attractive about the style or how one does normal things with these "daggers".


Just not something I'd want.

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I wonder how many people have gone to the emergency room.


Cause?  Wiping one’s front and rear.....


Really!  How in the name of Heaven can you take care of ‘business’with talons like those?


Those points would poke through any toilet paper.  Maybe special toilet paper is sold at the nail salon to prevent a ‘break-thru’.


Then there’s the dirt that would get under those nails.


As far as protection?  Are you kidding?  Ever accidentally ripped off a nail?

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@Reva wrote:

Yes and I don't care for it.  I'm keeping mine at fingertip length similar to Erin Moseley's.

I think she has one of the best manicured nails on the Q.  Always looks fabulous!

@Reva  ..... I agree with you .... Erin’s nails look fabulous!!!!

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Re: New Nail Shape

[ Edited ]

Hideous. Very off-putting IMO. I have so many grand babies I have to keep mine short right now, but still take care of them. Even when I decide to grow them longer, they will be rounded or squared off, not the points. Dangerous.


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My last manicure I had to ask her to round them or I would have walked out with pointy nails. 

Keepin' it real.