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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@cuddlesmama.... well that sure helped my anxiety! 🥺
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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

To those who say cancer doesn't run in their didn't run in mine, either. I mean NO cancer at all until my paternal grandmother was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 83, then my dad at age 73--and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the same year. I've had uterine cancer myself, seven years ago.


We were all fortunate to have our cancers caught early, and only my mom had to have chemo/radiation. You better believe I have my colonoscopies! And as far as I know, that is the ONLY "test" that can actually prevent cancer because they remove any polyps.

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@KKJ  I agree 100% with you. No breast cancer in my family but I was diagnosed with stage 0. My coworker is always claiming no cancer in her family so she hasn't had a colonoscopy at 72. Her sister was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She didn't get mammograms since they cause cancer. My brother in law was diagnosed with rectal cancer with no cancer in his family. I think you get my drift. There can be other factors in the works.

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

I had my first one done over the summer at the age of 51.  I had myself worked up for absolutely nothing.  I never had it done when I turned 50 because I was afraid.  Not so much of what they were going to find but of the prep and the procedure.


The whole thing, including the prep, was nothing.  My prep was some Dulcolax tablets followed by Miralax in Gatorade.  It was easy peasy.  The worst part was not being able to eat all day because I'm not a popsicle fan and there aren't many clear liquids you can have.


If I could make any suggestion, drink a lot of liquids that day in addition to what you have to do for your prep.  I didn't and ended up with a slight headache because I was dehydrated.  In fact I was so dehydrated, they had a hard time getting my IV in and staying.  The 4th time was the charm.  Smiley Sad


Even the procedure was nothing.  I was out and up before I knew it and never felt a thing.     

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@Reever wrote:

They need to develop a better test, perhaps a CT scan that is not invasive and only use the proping tube with camera for those who have suspicious results.   In the year 2020 we can and must do better. Our medical system is failing us.  No test for pancreatic cancer. Stomach cancer is often found too late or misdiagnosed as IBS or GERD.  I advocated for a full body CAT scan but my family doctor said it was not medically necessary.

At least there is a screening test at all.  Think of the few screening tests we have for any cancers.  Mammograms, colonoscopies and prostate exams.  Otherwise, you have to wait for symptoms to get tested.


They need to come up with an all encompassing blood test that will show cancer.  But that is easier said than done.

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@vermint wrote:

To those who say cancer doesn't run in their didn't run in mine, either. I mean NO cancer at all until my paternal grandmother was diagnosed with colon cancer at age 83, then my dad at age 73--and my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer the same year. I've had uterine cancer myself, seven years ago.


We were all fortunate to have our cancers caught early, and only my mom had to have chemo/radiation. You better believe I have my colonoscopies! And as far as I know, that is the ONLY "test" that can actually prevent cancer because they remove any polyps.

Family history starts somewhere.  You could be the one that starts your family history. 

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

i wrote an answer to the question a couple pages back but what I did forget to mention was this procedure saved my life.


I had been bleeding for about 2 years,yes years, I thought it would go away, had such bad tummy pains, and diarehia so bad rarely left the house and when i did had to use any bathroom i could find, men or women more than 2x's for a short trip for home or 6-8 times long trip for home and maybe even more.


the doctor found a massive polyp near my appendix that was so large he didn't know if he could even get it out of me. he wanted to schedule me for surgery but he made one last ditch effort and got the polyp out, it did test benign for cancer.


this test should not be taken lightly. i did wind up in the hospital for colon surgery after this scope because all the work the doctor did tore some of my colon and he had to go in and repair the area where the massive polyp was. was in the hospital for 2 days .


I get my scopes done every 3-4 years not, so far nothing found, i learned the hard way, the bleeding won't go away, the embarrasment of the prep and passing copious amont of fluid before the procedure while on gurney is OK, other people have had the same problem. 


get the procedure it could save your life, it saved mine.

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@CBonifacio as an Rn I can tell you this is one of the easiest tests to take- the prep is not nice but the better the prep the better the test- you have a nice nap for about 30 minutes, there is no pain at all and you can eat normally when you get home- you might have some gas and maybe a little blood on toliet paper first poop out but that is normal- if they find something it can be taken care of right there as in polyops- since your previous tests have been normal I wouldn't worry- but good for you to have it done, everyone needs to as colon cancer is curable if caught early- so don't freak out

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Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

My husband just had it done. Honestly, it was a breeze- He had difficulty the day before because he was really hungry and could only have liquids. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Nervous about colonoscopy

@Estates wrote:

@KKJ  I agree 100% with you. No breast cancer in my family but I was diagnosed with stage 0. My coworker is always claiming no cancer in her family so she hasn't had a colonoscopy at 72. Her sister was recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. She didn't get mammograms since they cause cancer. My brother in law was diagnosed with rectal cancer with no cancer in his family. I think you get my drift. There can be other factors in the works.

Yes, and sometimes it makes no sense at all when it comes to people getting cancer. For example, I've been diagnosed twice though I've never smoked or drank and eat a healthy diet (most of the time).  My brother has chain-smoked his whole life and never eats healthy and he's never had cancer.  You try to do everything right and can still get it.