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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

I think the only appropriate answer is a gift card.  You can't presume what anyone will like or use, and it is about their work, so a gift card is pretty much it.


I wouldn't want to get a personal gift of any kind, scarf, bath stuff or even candy, at work.  Just give me a little bonus for the work.  I work for money, not stuff, and we aren't buddies, so just give me a gift card. 

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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

@corita wrote:

@FrostyBabe1 wrote:

Ugh. Just another example of why, IMHO, gift giving in the office is inappropriate and should be banned.  In fact, when I was the boss, I did ban it. It’s awkward and uncomfortable for everyone. 


      At work, we dealt with uncomfortable "gift giving" two ways in different years and still got with the spirit of the holiday.

     One year, we all gave socks, underwear, toy gift bags to a children's emergency shelter!! 



I like this idea a lot.  Maybe set up a small tree in the office and have everyone attach gloves, a hat, socks to the branches, to be donated before Christmas.   I never had s lot of extra holiday $ when I was working...and it was hard being expected to spend on work people.....everyone had their own family and friends to buy for.  



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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

@SXMGirl wrote:

In the past, this has never been a problem.  However, with today's climate, I am not sure about the gifts that DH needs to give to the three women who work in the office.


A little history:  DH's company office was closed and his home office now is in another state.  I have no idea how old the women are in the office, but they are a big help to him as he does a lot of traveling.  


It has been quite a while since he has had a secretary, even though technically they do not work for him.  When there was a local staff, I always got the office staff Philosophy shower gels and they loved them.  I did ask him if that would still be okay considering all of the allegations that we are reading about.  He assured me that this would not be a problem and that everyone knew that I bought the presents.  I usually go with the  "in doubt--don't" philosophy.


I do not want to break the bank.  I saw some Philosophy shower sets that would set me back about $60.  I also thought of the Lay N Go sets, but they are pricier, but definitely non-offensive.


Any suggestions (absolutely not doing gift cards) would be appreciated.  Thanks!



@SXMGirlI know you do not want to give gift cards but it's the safest way to go.  You could include them with a small box of gourmet chocolates.


A gift card really lets the recipient choose something she would like; people can be very polite when receiving a give they really don't like then turn around and re-gift.


Somebody may rave about Philosophy, e.g. to be polite but not like the scent.



Unless the gift cards are from Victoria's Secret I think it is the best way to go.  Local restaurants, local retail stores (not Wal-Mart LOL) or even a store such as Barnes & Noble.  B&N isn't just books.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

I know you said NO gift cards, but I would consider a VISA gift card. They can be used on anything, and can be used basically everywhere. They are sure to use it then, unlike a particular store gift card. It would be well appreciated and gives them their choice of stores, items, or even a nice meal out.  It is not impersonal at all, especially with people you do not necessarily know, what they like or where they like to shop or eat. They have them in different dollar amounts, whatever is best for your budget or your preference for your gifting amount you would like to spend.  I always welcome a VISA gift card anytime.... I can always find something I want or somewhere to use it,  most people do I would think. It is a very common thing for employers to give to their employees. Best to give something you know will be used and enjoyed rather than ending up in the trash or given away.

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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

How about gift card for movie tickets? 

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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

When I was a legal secretary, the best gift I ever got was a Totes auto open/auto close umbrella.  They are much cheaper now, but at the time it was a new thing and a little pricey and something I never would have bought for myself.  I still have it and it's been almost 30 years.


My last boss sent us centerpieces from a local florist every year.  Even though I don't entertain, it was nice to have it on my table where I could enjoy it during the holidays.


re Philosophy - As others have said, it is not as well known outside of Q circles.  I've given it as gifts as white elephant games and stuff and people have no idea what it is.



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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

funny alicedee, One year I gave subway gift cards to my coworkers and supervisors, Everyone said they really liked it. 

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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

I have 7 managers, men & women I buy gifts for every year.  My gift this year is the below pic with a gift card & Christmas greeting card wishing them a warm & fuzzy Christmas.  For the other 42 employees, I have always order Harry London’s 6lb tin only to find out this year his price is almost the same for 2 less lbs?!?  What’s up with that???



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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

Lottery Tickets. Most people love to get those. 

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Re: Need Christmas Workplace Gift Suggestions

I didn't read the 6 pages of suggestions, but I'd do a poinsettia.