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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

@151949 wrote:

I only have one thing and it can't be done - so I guess it is more a regret than a wish - but I wish I had a child of my own. I raised 2 step children but was not able to have my own child and that does make me sad. Otherwise I had a full and very interesting life.

Things I would like to do - visit Alaska, visit Australia.


I never had any children either but that was my choice way back when. It's the biggest reget I live with today and the weight of that regret is so very crushing. It truly adds to the meaning of being alone.

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

I don't have a bucket list, I have a never, ever doing that again list, as in what was I thinking when I did that!

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

I haven't thought about here are three things 

1 - go zip lining - anywhere!

2 - speak before a very large audience 

3 - jet ski (I've never been on one)

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

I think bucket lists are fun. I have more than three floating around but I just list three:

1) Hot Air Ballon Ride in Albuquerque
2) trip to Alaska
3) extended trip thru the American West by train-getting off and staying in different places

I would like to do all these things with my son.
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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

My list only has to do with travel.

1) Set foot on all 7 continents. I'm going to #6 in November.

2) Rwanda. Was going to do this year but decided to hold off as there is a possibility of cancelling my year-end trip.

3) See some of the US national parks! This should be the easiest, but I keep putting my more exotic travel first. But, I really want to see Mt Rushmore. I want to see our own national wonders - is Glacier National Park really that beautiful? And, frankly, I want to see a bear in the wild (from a safe distance!)
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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

1. Go back to Florence, Italy-my dream (I've been several times and it never fai's to thrill me!).


2. Go to Provence, France-again, the same draw, but I've never been there yet.


3. Travel the Scottish Highlands where my people emigrated from-we're a tough lot!


I actually have a 4th, but I'm tryng to keep to the rules.

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

I don't have a bucket list, but I already accomplished the one thing I really wanted to do - sing before a live audience. I have been singing in church since I was a child, but when I finally got the opportunity to sing with a band at age 40+ that was very different. I wanted to experience that kind of performing as opposed to church music. I did that for a few years. I still get called upon once in awhile to sing a solo at some community event. I am over 50, and I still sing in my church every weekend. 


There are other things I would like to do - mainly some travel, but nothing I feel that I have to do to be fulfilled. 

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

#1. See my grandchildren all become adults.


#2  Fly with the Blue Angels


#3. Own a home perched on the coast in California.

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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

  1.  See all Seven Natural Wonders of the World
    • Mount Everest in Nepal
    • Victoria Falls in Zambia/Zimbabwe
    • Grand Canyon in Arizona, US                   
    • Great Barrier Reef in Australia
    • Northern Lights
    • Paricutin volcano in Mexico
    • Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

     2.   Build my Dream Home with Barnwood Builders and

     3.   Have a Duesenberg in the garage

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.
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Re: Name three things on your bucket list.

I do not have a bucket list but I can try.

1. Go back again and again to places I love, like France,Italy, Israel,Spain and Portugal, plus Caribbean.

2. Have healthy grandkids and be able to help my daughter to raise them. a lottery to easily achieve all of the above. Win for life would work,can skip on mega millions, too much troubles.