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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

When stopped, one should obey the officer and stay in the car unless he/she asks you to get out. Running away is usually a sign of guilt and nothing good usually comes from running away.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/8/2015 occasional rain said: By the time a person receives the violation in the mail they will no longer have a clear memory of the situation so how can they appeal? What about the drunk driver who ran a red light and had he been pulled over, his impairment discovered and arrested but instead gets away with a fine? What about someone who has been carjacked/abducted and runs a light hoping to get the attention of an officer?

That's a pretty lame excuse, written citations that are mailed are done so within 30 days, surely most people know where they may have been, along with their vehicle during that time period.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/8/2015 terrier3 said:
On 4/8/2015 sidsmom said:

There are a million different reasons why the police want to actually talk to the driver. Sometimes it's those simple stops that reveal major criminals.

Two words: Timothy McVeigh Missing tags.

That was a once in a lifetime catch.

Most of these minor infractions are just that - minor.

If they run the plates and find out there is an arrest warrant...they can proceed with caution.

It is illegal to search w/o probable cause. You just can't get pulled over for a broken light and searched for everything and anything.

That big one was a piece of luck, but more often, they find people in the vehicle with outstanding warrants, or other illegal things going on or located in the vehicles, so other crimes are averted or solved.

How about those who are stopped, and have a reason to not want to be in that position because they actually do have outstanding warrants, are illegally possessing or whatever, just shut up, keep their hands to themselves, and live up to the warrants or current crimes they are committing. It seems like it would be a better outcome than fighting, running etc. and ending up getting shot. I mean really, when you are pulled over, have some warrants for minor offenses, or have illegal substances in the car, the processes and punishment for those things would generally be less than loosing your life, when you make the decision to 'fight' or 'flight' right then and there. What are the odds that will end well?

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

Terrible idea.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

It sounds simple enough but, keep this in mind: during these "routine" traffic stops, the cop assess and views the inside and outside of the vehicle. Do you realize how many people keep weapons in their cars and most of them are not registered. Do you realize how many people keep open liquor and drugs in their cars? Do you realize how many people have fake I.D.'s that have been used in crimes?

While we're at it, why don't we just have AA officers work in AA neighborhoods? That's been suggested. But, let's now go there because it will be called racial. Part of that reason is because of the hatred of law enforcement officers.

This murder of this man is deplorable, unacceptable, sickening. However, the percentage of this type of crime is miniscule compared to legit arrests and charges made to keep us safe. Walk a mile in their shoes and then get back to me.

There are baaaaad people in every line of work whether it's teachers sekkually assaulting students, lawyers coming on to their clients and then blackmailing them, fire fighters who steal from the very homes they enter to put out fires. Doctors/surgeons who severely injure or kill their patients? Shall I go on? That's why we have a legal system.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

Did it occur to anyone else that the cop could have just given the guy a warning and sent him into the auto parts store for a bulb ?

Basically, it was a "revenue stop."

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/10/2015 Lila Belle said:

Did it occur to anyone else that the cop could have just given the guy a warning and sent him into the auto parts store for a bulb ?

Basically, it was a "revenue stop."

There is no arguing that point. The point is: the cop may very well have ended up doing just what you suggested but, you don't know what the conversation was AND, it's routine to run the license plate, AND Mr. Scott had an outstanding warrant. So, the conversation MAY have gone, "do you have any outstanding warrants sir"? And it may have escalated from there. I don't know why Mr. Scott got out of his vehicle. You NEVER do that unless the cop tells you to get out of the car.

So, it's easy to Monday morning quarterback. I know many cops that unless it's a blatant traffic violation, they don't bother stopping drivers. Now, if they are traffic cops, that's another story but basically the police I know these days are reactive and not proactive as they fear losing their jobs, pensions and families because people are quite litigious.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/10/2015 Lila Belle said:

Did it occur to anyone else that the cop could have just given the guy a warning and sent him into the auto parts store for a bulb ?

Basically, it was a "revenue stop."

Not sure how you are coming to the conclusion that this was a "revenue stop". With any stop the police will ask for identification. proof of insurance and run the plates. Basic police work to identify who they are dealing with and that the car is not stolen. I have been stopped for speeding and given a warning, after all the basic stuff was done.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

He was writing up the ticket.

Small towns especially use traffic stops as a cash cow.

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Re: My simple solution re: traffic stops...

On 4/10/2015 Lila Belle said:

He was writing up the ticket.

Small towns especially use traffic stops as a cash cow.

I can understand that. Would I like it, NO. So now, citizens will complain, march and raise a stink, laws will be changed and the towns, county, city, will go broke. That means less money for law enforcement. So, then what?